Chapter Two: Traveling the Hard Road Ahead

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        The night was dark and Daemon's silver necklace hung like a giant weight around Lamia's neck. It would be a constant reminder to her of what she must do to avenge Daemon's death and escape this place of darkness. Her mind spun with everything Barrock told her. Tears still burnt the back of her eyes daring to fall down her face. "I just don't understand." She shook her head to try to clear her mind but to no prevail. "How..." Her breath came out in little white puffs of frost from the cold. Her voice barely above a whisper. "How do they expect me to win when I am jsust one person?." Barrock's laughter and mockery still haunted her making her blood boil. She just had to find a way. "I have no way to travel...." Lamia sighed. There was no one there to answer her questions. She was walking the road of lonliness and darkness. "They say I can't win..." Lamia kicked a rock and listened to it disappear off the road. "I don't know how..." She started to bite at her lip out of habit, lost in her thoughts. "But, I am going to defeat them. I just have to." 

Lamia froze to her spot hearing a hell like scream in the distance. "What the..." Another shrill scream rang through the dark cold night but this time closer and just ahead of her. " now." Lamia made herself move and looked around everywhere to find a place to hide. The scream that was ringing into the darkness was that of the night hellion. A dark creature that was part demon and part stallion. It had a temper like no other and easily killed all that stood in its path. Lamia had confronted one of these many moons ago and didn't dare cross the path of another. It was because of a night hellion that Lamia got the massive scar down her side. It nearly killed her.
"Lord help me!" Her breath came out fast as she moved trying to find somewhere to hide out of main sight. Hoof beats could be heard in the short distance. She had no time to think and just dove right into the ditch, letting gravity take over as her body slid through mud, brush, and small trees. Apparently what she had thought was a ditch turned into being a small drop off. Her world spun faster and faster as she tumbled head over heels down the side. Pain tore through her like a wildfire, ignited by gasoline as a scream escaped her parted, bleeding lips. When gravity finally threw her body into a giant tree Lamia coughed and finally got a good breath of air in her lungs. Blood dripped from the side of her mouth and ran down her arm where a giant gash was given to her when she went flying over debris. "Seriously?" She coughed again then whimpered when she tried to stand. Pain erupted from her ankle and up her leg when she attempted to stand. "So much for being quiet." She growled lowly to herself. 
Lamia put her weight against the tree to help her get her barings and went silent. Only the sound of her pounding heart could be heard through the forest she had just fallen into. "Perfect....just...perfect." She looked around then lowered her head. The climb back up that little drop off was impossible and she had no idea where she was. 
A snort behindLamia made her jump and let out a small scream. She spun around, preparing herself in a defense position. Her complexion paled as she saw red peircing eyes staring straight at her. The night hellion.

Lamia couldn't move a single muscle even if she wanted to. The creature before her was bigger than the last hellion she had ran into. This thing was a monster. Its wings in a folded were at least seven feet long and the hellion's shoulders were at the height of Lamia's head. All she could do was look up as the hellion snorted and bared its needle sharp fangs at her. One thing hellions were famous for in Lethum was their five to six inch long razor sharp fangs. Like that of a vampire but more deadly.

"G...good hellion..." Lamia took a few steps back unsure of what to do. "Nice hellion." She had no idea what she was doing but continued the submissive approach. Slowly she put her hands up in a surrendered position. " not kill me." 
The hellion snorted and shook its head but didn't advance in anyway. Fear and dispair were replaced with wonder and awe. Lamia was struck with amazment as this creature did nothing but stand and stare. Never had she heard of a hellion not attacking. This was an absolute miricle. Finally Lamia was able to take in all  of this marvelous creatures features. Its coat was at black as the night itself with a blood red vein design across it. Its main and tail had the same affect but with a little bit more red added into it. The hellions eyes looked like the fire of hell itself piercing right through your soul. It was scary yet insanely mesmerizing at the same time. This hellion was gorgeous, in a deadly way. Its hooves looked as if they were made of obsidian and Lamia could tell they were sharper than anything she had ever seen. 
This was by far the most magnificent creature she had ever laid eyes on. So many different emotions overwhelmed her soul. As far as she knew no one had ever been able to meet a hellion face to face and live to tell about it.
"Every other hellion has killed humans it came in contact with..." Lamia's voice was soft and soothing. A quiet whisper in the wind. "So...why haven't you?" 
The hellion raised its powerful head and looked down at the human girl before it. It held all the power of life and death in this instance. Lamia made no movements in fear of angering this marvelous beast standing in front of her. 
"You really are beautiful." She kept her voice at a soothing whisper.
In response the hellion kneeled its front legs and brought itself to Lamia's level. It snorted and held its muzzle out to just an inch from Lamia. It didn't move. It just sat there waiting for her response. 
Lamia was speechless and in shock. This creature was meant to be part demon and they devoured souls of people like her. This was just crazy! Very slowly Lamia moved the palm of her hand up to the Hellions muzzle and in surprise was able to place her hand on it. The creatures fur was softer than anything she had ever felt but was thick and strong. 
After a few moments Lamia pulled her hand away and the hellion stood at its full height and turned sideways before getting down on all fours. It looked at Lamia and gave a small snort as if to get on. 
"W...what is this..." she was in utter disbelief but an intense peace overwhelmed her and she knew that this was her answer to prayer. This hellion was sent by God to help get her to her next destination and continue on her adventure. Maybe Daemon was protecting her from up above and was watching everything she had gone through. All Lamia could do was climb up onto the hellion's back and sink in to its back and burry her face into its main. It smelled like smoke and sulfur, just as everything did here in Lethum. Yet, for some weird reason, this was a comfort to her. She could feel the hellion's muscles move and work as it stood up and started to walk off into the night. She had no idea where they were going but apparently the hellion was taking it into its hands. Without thinking Lamia closed her eyes and picture Daemon and the last time they were together. With these thoughts, Lamia quickly slipped into a slumber on the back of the night hellion and figured that whatever happened next, she would deal with it then. For now, she would exit reality and enter the dreamland. 

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