Momma Bear

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"J-Jin hyung? What are you doing here? W-where is namjoon?"

"He is in his room worrying! Why didn't you call or text! We have been worried sick!"

"Yah, Jinnie no need to scold him." A deeper set voice rang. Jungkook was relieved to hear Namjoon's voice. Seokjin is like a bear. If you mess with any of her cubs she will murder you on the spot and wont have any regrets whatsoever. In this case, he was one of Jin's Cubs.

"Look, hyung, i'm really sorry for not calling or texting. I have good reason I swear, so can you please calm down so I can explain?"

"This better be good then Jeon Jungkook" Mumbled Jin with a harsh tone while Joon Guided him to sit next to him on the couch.

Jungkook explained everything to them. The breakup, the cheating, running away, meeting Jimin, the car ride and everything in between.

"Hey namjoon do you happen to have a sharp pair of scissors? I have something I gotta do." Jin asked trying to look as innocent as possible.

"Now Jin, I know what you are thinking and a dull pair of scissors would be better. It causes more pain." Namjoon even had the audacity to wink at Jin while saying this.

"Ah, good thinking. Kookie we'll be right back" Jin stated as he started walking to the kitchen drawer and grabbing a pair of scissors.

"OH NO YOU DON'T" Jungkook ran to the door. "You are NOT going to cut his dick off with a pair of dull scissors! No matter how much he deserves it.."

"I would never Kookie! I was just going to uh, umm, shit Joonie help me out here!"

"Uh Jin hyung over here has some weeds in his garden at his house so he needs the scissors to cut them and kill it."

"Uh huh sure. You guys are staying here with me and watching my favorite shows and movies with me while I stuff my face and eat my feelings." Jungkook said, putting his arms down.

The elders agreed with their maknae's request. Namjoon grabbed Jungkook's favorite movie and popped it into the DVD player. They all sat comfortably on the couch. Namjoon and Jin on one side and Jungkook on the other. That's how it always was.

Although they would never admit it, Namjoon and Seokjin hyung have liked each other for a long time. They always flirt with each other, give each other cute little nicknames, and they are never far from each others reach. They may deny that they are dating but Jin and Joon are the definition of a cute couple.

Jungkook wanted a relationship like theirs. Maybe he will get his happy ending after all, just not any time soon.

About halfway through the movie Jungkook pulled out his phone and went to his contacts. He chuckled quietly to himself when he seen what the dark haired male put himself as in his phone. 'AA Your Favorite Hyung Jimin'.

He found it cute that he out the two A's so he could be at the top of his contacts. He smiled and decided he would message him tomorrow and just spend some time with his hyungs.

"Hey Kook-ah? What did you say that mans name was again? I have to thank him for being so nice and caring for our little Jungkookie."

"Uh it was Jimin. Park Jimin."

"Hey that name sounds familiar. Was he short, skinny, blackish brown hair, the worlds sweetest little eye smile?" Namjoon's wording made Jin give him a look of jealousy at his description of Jimin.

"Yeah he did. How do you know him?"

"We were friends for a bit and then he moved. I still hear from him once in a while."

"Hmm I wonder why he didn't say anything when I mentioned you Hyung."

Namjoon just shrugged and went back to watching the movie. Him and Jin were cuddled in the corner looking as cute as can be.

Multiple things were running through Jungkook's head. All of which lead back to one specific person. Jimin.


Jimin turned down the heat setting in his car. He had a long ways untill he got back home. Why he took a total stranger home? He didn't know. Maybe it was because he wanted to find a way to talk to the younger without making himself seem desperate. It could have been simply because he was a good man and would do anything for someone in need of help.

In the background he could hear a familiar song playing and his face lit up with his one of a kind smile. He immediately recognized the song and his mind went to one person and one person only. Jungkook.

The kid loves Charlie Puth and We Don't Talk Anymore just happens to be playing. He turned up the volume from 5 to 15 listening to the song and quietly singing along.

Isn't Charlie Puth coming to Seoul for his tour? I wonder if Jungkook knows? Probably. Maybe I could take him to the show as a date? No. Just friends. I don't think he likes me like that. Does he? Jimin questioned. He did like the younger and maybe the concert will be a good way to get to know Jungkook before he takes him on a date.

Before he knew it the song was over. Kook was right, this Charlie guy has an amazing voice. He never noticed earlier because he was paying more attention to Jungkook singing rather that the actual artist himself.

"I think Mr. Puth has himself a new fan." Jimin said to himself laughing.

"Hey Siri? Play Charlie Puth on Apple Music." Jimin commanded. Since his car has bluetooth it automatically connected and started to play a slower song. As soon as he started singing Jimin fell in love with his voice. Not to mention the song had a sexy tone to it already and his voice made it that much better.

"Im just a sucker (ooh) for a cold hearted lover (ooh) you make me su-uh-uh-uh-uh-uffer" The speakers of his car blared out. Jimin really liked this song. He might have to thank Jungkook later. For the mean time he needed to do some research on this guy and find out when the concert is and how much it will cost.

"Jeon Jungkook you're in for a treat." Jimin said with a devilish smirk.

Edited: 4-24-21

A/N: Haha I'm alive and working on this story slowly. This story has almost 4K reads tho! Uhh yeah anyways if you haven't heard Suffer by Charlie Puth you should. It's a really good song.

A Walk In The Park |Park Jimin X Jeon Jungkook|Where stories live. Discover now