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"I'm so sor- are you okay? Your eyes are red and puffy. We're you crying?" The dark haired male asked making Jungkook blush from clumsiness and from how easy it was for the man to recognise he was crying.

This total stranger made Jungkook freeze in place. He was very handsome and the eye contact he was giving Jungkook made his blush deepen. The man standing in front of him had dark hair, slim figure, and a face that was both cute and sexy. He would never like me back, and even if he does he's probably just like the rest and only wants to use or hurt me. Jungkook had told himself mentally before the mans deeper voice brought him back to reality.

The man looked at Jungkook with concern before speaking to him once more. "Here take my jacket, you're probably freezing your ass off by now and you've been crying. You are going to get sick." he spoke in a soft caring voice with a hint of concern for the young man standing in front of him.

"Oh it-it's okay...uhh sir? No need to give me your jacket. I will be just fine without it." Jungkook tried to even out his voice so it wasn't as shaky as before from crying.

"Jimin. My name's Park Jimin, and you are?" He said with a chuckle after hearing the confused tone in Jungkooks voice when he called him sir.

"J-Jungkook. M-my name's  Jeon Jungkook." He stuttered since he was kind of nervous to be around the him. Jimin was still holding his jacket out to Jungkook so the younger could be warm. it was definitely on the colder side in the evenings. "T-thanks for the jacket b-but I don't need it" Jungkook said pushing Jimin's jacket back toawards him.

"No, you're going to catch a cold especially since you were crying. C'mon I'll take you home. Where do you live?"

Jungkook stood there shocked. He barely met the man and now he's offering to take the him home? What if he was a weirdo that was trying to kidnap him? at this point Jungkook was overthinking about all the bad things that could happen from this.

"You really don't need to Jimin. I'll find my way to where I need to go." Jungkook said confidently looking around for landmarks to at least try to figure out  where he was at, having no luck whatsoever.

"Look kid, it's clear that your lost, and it's obvious that you're cold because your nose is red and runny. I can see that your hands are turning blue."

"Okay fine but i'm just letting you know now, if you kidnap me or something like that, my friends will go looking for me." He said looking into Jimin's dark brown eyes.

"Okay? I wasn't planning on it but okay. Follow me to my car cutie. Where are we heading anyways?"

Jungkook felt his cheeks heat up due Jimin calling him a cutie. The younger found himself smiling at his thoughts until he realized Jimin was waiting for an answer.

"Oh uh you can take me to the Seoul Apartments. "

"Wow.  A little far from here, but it's okay, i'll take you anyways. Only god knows what people would try to do to you late at night.." Jimin said as he wrapped is arm around Jungkook's shoulders.

Jungkook was confused until he realized what Jimin was implying. Jungkook looked like an innocent little bunny. Take that and mix it with horny drunk men and women at night while its dark just called for a disaster.

Jimin slowly pulled Jungkook along the rest of the trail until they reached the end of the park, walking through rows and rows until they found Jimin's car. It was a decent sized black Toyota car that looked fairly new, only a year or two old. It suited the black haired male in front of him.

"So, how old are you Jungkook?"

"I just turned 21 hyung"

"Wow you aren't much younger than me. I'm 23 by the way."

"Wow I was really close. Only off by a year." Jungkook mumbled.

"Am I a year older or younger than what you thought?" Jimin said his voice cracking slightly. He was nervous after all. He always got like this around good looking guys.

"Older. But think of this as a good thing hyung! It means you look younger than what you are." Jungkook said in a happy tone. Clearly he was starting to forget about whatever happened earlier.

"Jungkook? What happened at the park you were crying."

Jimin could see Jungkook stiffen in the seat. He hit a soft spot but he wanted to know why he was crying in a park at 6 PM

"M-My b-boyfriend broke up with m-me. I just got back from Busan because my mother was ill and during that time I was gone he cheated on me." Jungkook could feel his voice becoming shaky and he felt the tears in his eyes.

"Awee Kookie don't cry. Look he was and stupid fucking idiot for cheating on you and he was a complete fucktard for choosing the other person over you." Jimin said gripping the steering wheel harder than before.

I would never cheat on you... Jimin thought to himself. Jungkook could clearly see that he was angry about what he just told Jimin.

"Hyung? A-are you alright?"

"Yeah kookie. I'm okay." Jimin replied loosening his grip on the wheel.

The rest of the drive was quiet and slow. The faint sound of music playing behind them. It was a song by Jungkook's favorite. Well one of his favorites, Charlie Puth. Jungkook impulsively started singing. Music took him away from his worries and troubles. I'ts always been that way for him.

"I wont beg for your for your love

wont say please

I wont fall to the ground on my knees" the younger sang leaving Jimin in complete shock.

His voice is beautiful Jimin thought to himself, and what a coincidence this song comes on. This song is basically about how he put all his love and effort into the significant other and they didn't do shit back. At this point Jimin was quietly laughing at his own thoughts.

What is he giggling and laughing about? I hope its not me. Jungkook thought getting cherry red. Finally working up the courage to ask his hyung why he was all laughter and smiles.

"Whats so funny hyung?"

"Hmm? Oh uh nothing just the song."

"This song is amazing though Jimin! How can you laugh at it? Charlie's voice is angelic as well. Just throwing that out there."

"I'm not laughing because its funny or because I don't like it." The older said sternly while keeping his eyes on the long road ahead of him. "I'm laughing because this song is basically representing what just happened to you. You gave your all to this dickhead and he didn't care. he went and cheated on you. He didn't give you fraction of the love and affection of what you gave him."

Jimin was now gripping the steering wheel out of anger. Jimin couldn't stand cheaters. He ever understood why one would cheat. The biggest question going through his head was why did fuckface cheat on Kookie? Jimin gathered the courage to ask why. He knew it would probably upset him but he couldn't help but ask.

"Hey Jungkook? Why did your boyfriend cheat on you if you were so good to him?"

"oh uh well.."


A/N: hah okay chapter 2 is now finally edited to a spot I find decent and a lot better then before. I'm happy enough with it. Enjoy :)
EDITED 3-3-21

A Walk In The Park |Park Jimin X Jeon Jungkook|Where stories live. Discover now