Chapter 6

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The sides went into the commons that morning and it was eerily quiet. "What's going on?" Virgil asked. Logan looked at him and answered. "I am not sure as of yet, but it appears that Deceit has returned. Tell a lie. Any lie."

"Uh my favorite color is pink." Virgil deadpanned and looked at Logan with a small smile of surprise and relief. "Brilliant!" Logan announced as Roman came in. "Oh, are you talking about me?" Roman questioned smugly, striking a pose. "Totally." Virgil said, rolling his eyes.

"I take it that the snake man has returned?" Roman said as he leaned against the table. "Yeah, but we can't find Patton." Virgil pointed out, and they all suddenly realized why it had been so quiet. Whether it was the radio, or the television, or just Patton moving around the kitchen, mornings were always filled with a pleasant white noise that was missing today.

Suddenly, a woosh was heard and the three sides glanced over to see Patton rise up. But he seemed a little off-put.

"Greetings Patton. Did you have an adequate rest?" Logan said, sipping his cup of tea. Patton loomed up from the floor and answered back monotonously. "Yes Logan. I had a great sleep. How are you all doing?" The other sides froze.

"Yes, we are all doing splendidly padré. What seems to be bothering you this morning?" Roman answered. "I am fine. I do not need any help. Nobody is bothering me and nothing has gone wrong. You dont need to worry about me." Patton's monotonous tone filled the room with unease.

"Patton seriously, what gives? You're acting weird and you're talking funny." Virgil said, and started to walk over to Patton, who put his hands up in front of himself. "No Virgil. Like I said, you don't need to help me." Patton looked Virgil in the eyes, and Virgil noticed they were rather grey instead of their usual warm hazel, and they were very bloodshot as well.

Patton cleared his throat before speaking. "Well, I've obviously made you uncomfortable so I'll just go... See you later."

"Wait!" Logan started, but he was too late. Patton was gone again, and they didn't know where he was.

Roman leapt on top of the table and declared "Well, if Patton will not let us know where he is then we will find him ourselves! Onward, to our quest!" Logan and Virgil shared a look, and agreed with Roman. They had to find Patton.

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