Chapter 4

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Thomas summoned the sides later that day, still feeling bleary. "Hey guys." Thomas said. Virgil, who was still pretty shaken up from earlier nodded in acknowledgement; as did Logan. Roman said a brief hello then went back into silence. Patton smiled, though it seemed strained and said 'Hey kiddo' and the room was dead silent.

"What's going on? Did something happen?" Thomas asked, baffled at the unusual silence. Roman burst out after the question was asked, words spiking from his mouth like water from a leak in a dam.

"Jack The Fibber came and messed with us earlier so Virgil told him to go away and now we're all under a truth serum and we don't want to be terribly honest." Roman pursed his lips.

Thomas looked at Logan for clarification, which the logical side supplied. "Deceit came and provoked us earlier and we all got into an argument and he decided to duck out, so now none of us can lie or fib and none of us want to reveal our secrets, hence our unusual quiet."Logan explained.

"Aah." Thomas said thoughtfully. "Well, I was just gonna talk about the new video but it can wait until later. Do you need my help?" "No, we should be able to handle this ourselves." Roman reassured.  "Okay then, call on me if you need." Thomas responded.


Hours later, they were all in the main room again. The silence was heavy and tense. Finally, Roman sighed and broke the quiet "Padre, we were pretty rude to you earlier. I think I speak for all of us when I
say we're sorry. Are you okay?"

The others looked to the moral side hopefully. Patton smiled and let out a small giggle, and they felt a bit relieved.

That was, before Patton's voice rang out brightly into the common room. "I fucking hate myself."

And with that, he sank out, leaving the room to deal with the honesty that nobody expected.

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