"I see", Freed chuckled. "So what do you want to tell him first?"

"Of course about the day when you came to the Guild", Laxus smirked and Freed blushed slightly.

"I didn't know you even noticed me then", he muttered.

"Well... Maybe not right away but whatever. Bicks told me there was a new boy in the Guild and I got curious. I remember wondering how strong you might be, since we had been talking about getting another team member but wasn't yet sure about it. I'm glad Gramps solved that for us by asking you to join our team. And I noticed those lightning bolt thingies in your head at first, they were a lot smaller then", Laxus grinned touching the other cowlick on the side of Freed's head. "I actually wondered for days if they were natural or did you somehow put them up with magic or something."

"I know many have wondered that same thing, but hardly no-one dares to ask", Freed laughed. "And if I tell they are natural, they still don't seem to believe it."

"You have to admit it, they are kinda odd."

"I guess. But it's not like your own hair is perfectly normal", Freed smirked ruffling the spiky blond hair. "Even that cute little tuft on your forehead", he smiled combing Laxus' hair with his long fingers, but that stubborn little tuft sprang right back the second he let go of it.

"Of course my hair is like this, I'm the Thunder God, ain't I?" Laxus chuckled flexing his arm muscles.

"Yes you are", Freed smiled. "And the lightning dragon slayer. As your soulmate, isn't it only natural then for me to have hair like this?"

"I like that idea", Laxus smirked brushing green hair aside from Freed's face. "In my head it makes total sense", he said kissing Freed softly. Freed smiled to the kiss and pulled his arms around Laxus' broad shoulders, deepening the kiss. For a moment everything felt normal again. Laxus felt again like himself and Freed was more than happy about it.

Laxus smirked when they pulled apart.

"You think that was enough of a bedtime story for him?" he asked.

"No-one said those stories have to be long", Freed grinned.

"Good, 'cause I think I wanna talk with mama alone now."

"You idiot", Freed huffed hitting Laxus' face with a pillow, hearing a small chuckle. "Just so you know, that is not sexy at all, it's just creepy."

"Yeah, it didn't sound that good", Laxus nodded.

"I think I'll just go to sleep now", Freed huffed pulling the blanket over him.

"It wasn't that bad", Laxus said. "I won't say it again."

"You already ruined the moment."

Laxus looked at the rune mage and smiled, settling down behind him and wrapped his arms around the smaller man.

"I love you, babe", he whispered to his ear, making Freed shiver and he grinned.

"Leave me alone, Laxus", the swordsman murmured.

"I think you're a strong and wise man, Freed. Not only that, you are doing something really wonderful for both of us and I can only admire it", Laxus purred softly, touching the round belly gently and Freed had to chuckle slightly. Okay, Laxus could be really sweet when he wanted.

"I love you too, Laxus", he smiled turning around and kissed his Thunder God. "But we need some sleep, you know?"

"Really?" Laxus pouted.

"Yes. And no matter how you think about it, these rooms do not have that thick walls so it wouldn't be really comfortable if others could hear us."

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