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Today is my sweet baby Carter Birthday! I can't believe it's been a whole year since he's been born. We are having him a huge Cars theme birthday party.

"Mama Combs thank you so much for making your delicious Mac and cheese. You didn't have to, we got the party catered."  I hugged Christian's mother

She smiled. "That's okay, I wanted to contribute something to my grandson birthday."

Crater was running around the house playing with Cash (our dog). Both of them were filthy.

"Carter come on, it's time to get cleaned up. Your party is going to begin in a hour."  I walked over to him.

I picked him up. "I can't believe you are actually one!"  I kissed his cheek.

"Mommy, me want Milk."  He put his head on my breast.

I just looked at him then walked upstairs to the bathroom. We are trying to get him off my breast. But sometimes, i just don't like telling my baby no.

We both hopped in the bathtub, that's when Christian walked in.

"Hey my babies, how y'all doing." He leaned down and kissed my lips and then kissed Carter.

I smiled. "We're good. Grab him and start getting him ready while i get dressed."
I got Carter dressed and walked us downstairs. I can't believe my little man is already one. Time sure do fly.

"Hey maw maw sweet grand baby." My mom says as she grabs him

Everyone started showing up, my sister was directing them to the back yard. Her brothers wanted to pay for the party, but as a man and as a father that is my responsibility.

That's when Lourdes walked down stairs with a red dress that shows her 4 month pregnant belly.

"Are you ready my stank."  She picked Carter up.

"Everyone let's welcome the birthday boy, Carter!"  Everyone started clapping.

It was Christian family, Lourdes grandparents and brothers, some workers from the trap and their kids.

Lourdes started to speak. "I will like to thank everyone for coming to help celebrate my baby first birthday. Let's sing happy birthday for the kids can start playing."

Everyone was singing happy birthday to Carter and he was just looking. And the end Christian bought out his smash cake.

"You want some cake stank?" Lourdes Asked

He put his hand in the cake then he put it in his mouth. That's when he put his other hand in the cake and tried to feed Lourdes.

Christian laughed. "He is such a mama's boy."

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