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We went to pick up Carter from my mom house. Carter had a doctors appointment.

"Oh my goodness, look how big he has gotten." Dr. Contessa says

Lourdes smiled while holding him. "Yes, my baby is growing fast."

"Well as you both know he has to get a shot." The doctor tells us

Lourdes looked like she was about to cry. I grabbed Carter from her.

"You sit over there, I got him." I tell Lourdes

The doctor grabbed the needle. I held Carter.

The doctor rubbed his arm. "One...Two...three". She gave him the shot

He started screaming, that's when Lourdes snatched him away from me.

"It's okay stank...I'm sorry." She was crying also

The doctor laughed. "It is normal for new moms to be very attached and very very protective. Especially if they are still breastfeeding."

After Carter calmed down, we left.

We pulled up to the Gucci store. "Aye, look". I tell her. When she turned around I snapped a picture.

NolimitC: Spoiling my babies❤️#evenThoughShe'sStillMadAtMe

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NolimitC: Spoiling my babies❤️#evenThoughShe'sStillMadAtMe

She was just grabbing everything she seen, for both her and Carter.

"I'm ready to go now". Lourdes says

I nodded and we went to the register. Carter started to get fussy. So I pulled out my card to pay.

I turned to look at Lourdes and she was mugged up. "What's wrong?"

"Who is that". She pointed at some girl.

I didn't know who the bitch was. She was starring hard as fuck. I didn't need this broad trying to start any problems.

I grabbed Lourdes free hand. "Let's just go." I demand

As we made it to the car the girl approached us.

"Surprise to see you here." The broad smirked

I was confused. "Do I know you?" I questioned

Lourdes started laughing then snatched her hand away from me. "That's the bitch you fucked with in Vegas! You know who she is !"

"I don't bae, I told you I can't remember anything from that night." I try to tell her

The broad interrupted. "Well I think I'm pregnant."

"PREGNANT!" Lourdes yelled

I started to get mad. "Look bitch don't come out here trying to start mess, you know I didn't fuck you. You just a jealous messy bitch. Don't approach me and my family with that bullshit."

The broad started going off. Lourdes just shook her head and put Carter in the car. That's when she hopped in the car. I just got in behind her.

We was riding and it was dead silent. I'm scared to say anything.

"I should've known this was going to happen." She started off. "I don't know why I even started dating you in the first place."

I sighed. "Lourdes, I didn't get her pregnant. We didn't even fuck."

She turned around and put Carter's sound proof headphone on him. At the point I knew it was about to go left.

"You've been fucking up majority of this relationship! That's why I left your ass in the first place!" She started yelling

I agree with her. "I know baby, and I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm such a fuck up."

She started crying. "Throughout this relationship I tried to be a good girlfriend! I gave you a baby! I take you back after you make mistakes, but I don't know anymore."

I pulled the car over. "Baby stop crying. I'm sorry." I wiped her face. "Don't cry over me, I should not be hurting your feelings. I need to do better for you and my son. Just give me some time, I'm going to get my shit together."

She just turned her head and looked out the window. I eventually pulled up to her apartment. I grabbed the bags while she grabbed Carter. When we got inside, I put the bags in her room. When I came out I seen she was breastfeeding him.

"I'm about to head to the trap, call me if you need anything."  I tell her

She nodded. She pulled Carter away from her breast. She handed him to me and I started patting his back.

He burped. "Ooooo you was hungry fat man". I laughed.   "Daddy will see you later."  I kissed his cheek

I handed him back to Lourdes, she walked me to the door. I turned around and faced her. "I love you, and I'm going to make everything right." 

She closed the door.

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