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I was rocking Carter to sleep that's when Crystal, Quincy and Christian walked in.

"Oooooo my beautiful nephew, TT missed her fat man." Crystal grabbed him out my arms. She hugged me also. "Wassup girl."

"Nothing girl, just living." I said

She gave me a sympathetic smile. "My dumb ass brother." With that she walked in the kitchen with Carter.

Quincy walked over and gave me a hug. "Wassup sis in law"

I smiled

I walked upstairs to the bathroom, as I was about to close the door Christian pushed it back open. He came in the bathroom and locked the door.

"Can we please talk.?" He asked

I shook my head. "No we cannot"

"Baby Im so sorry, I never intended on that to happen. You know your the love of my life. I know I'm wrong, but baby please."  He begged

I rolled my eyes. "Christian I'm sick of hearing that shit, I honestly am. You never want to take responsibility for what you do. You don't think about my feelings at all! I'm hurt, sad, angry, embarrassed and more!"

"I'm sorry Lourdes I-". I cut him off

I walked up to him. "And who you think you are calling all the airports!"

"I didn't want you to leave me."  His voice cracked. "You and our son are my life."

I nodded. "That's nice, but we are no longer in a relationship." 

With that I unlocked the door, as I started to open the door he grabbed me and turned me around.

"Is it someone else?! Who is this Nigga ?!"  He started yelling

I snatched away. "What the hell are you talking about! I don't want to be with you because you cheated on me!"

With that I walked down the stairs. He followed behind me. We walked into the kitchen.

"Hey daddy fat man". Christian cooed grabbing Carter.

Carter started smiling. Out of no where he spit up on Christian.

I grabbed a baby wipe and walked over to them.

I started wiping him. "Oooo you ate a lot huh."

Carter started giggling. "You think it's funny to spit up on daddy". Christian laughed
We were all sitting at the table eating, Carter was taking a nap in his bassinet.

"So Crystal how have you been?"  Mama Combs asked

She nodded. "I've been great mama. I'm about to open my shop."

"That's wonderful hunny, I'm proud of you."  Mama Combs smiled

"What about you Quincy!"  She asked

He shrugged. "I'm living life to the fullest."

"That means you messing with them nasty girls. Settle down, give me grandkids."  She preached

He looked at her like she was crazy. "Mom, Christian just gave you a grandchild."

"I want more. From all y'all". She turned to Christian. "Son, I know your upset that Lourdes left you. You have to understand that your to blame for the situation. If you would learn how to keep your dick in your pants y'all would be together. That girl haven't did anything, but Love you and give you a child! She does not need the fucking stress! You either going to get your shit together or leave her alone!"

Everyone got quiet, I looked down. I didn't know what to say.

"Quincy and Crystal y'all go check on the baby while I talk to these two."  Mama Combs demand

They nodded and walked away.

She turned to me. "I know you love my son, and we are both so blessed to have you in this family. Don't let him just treat you any kind of way."

"Mama I don't treat her wrong, I respect her, I-". I cut him off

"If you respected me you wouldn't have cheated on me! While I'm at home with our child! And your in fucking Vegas living your best damn life."  I started to get upset

He stood up. "I said I'm sorry, I don't know what else to do."

I got up and grabbed my purse. "Figure it out".  With that I walked out the house

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