Chesnutfang and Tanglenose

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This little cute short story takes place in FoxClan. Chesnutfang is the son of Chesnuttail and Cloverpelt. (also yes I know chestnut is spelled wrong, but I've literally always spelled it the other way because I made up this character when I was eleven. So it's gonna be spelled wrong. Fight me). If you wanted some more Chesnuttail background, I recommend my three part short story series in previous chapters: "Chesnuttail's Twisted Life," "Hollypaw's Guilt," and "Chesnuttail's Return."


The destruction of the FoxClan's original home had been hard on Chesnutfang. They had lost many clan members, as well as their home. Fortunately, the forest was still full, and the few members left of their clan after the twoleg destruction had managed to gather in a new little home of their own.

It was this experience that made Chesnutfang think of the future, of how lucky he was to survive, as well as others. His life could have been taken as easily as the other members. Now, he wanted to make the most of it.

Chesnutfang had become increasingly enraptured with a golden-colored she-cat with long hair. Her name was Tanglenose. She was a little older than Chesnutfang, though he remembered her training with him, and occasionally, they would be on the same patrol. But it was only recently that Chesnutfang realized how little he knew about her. She was mysterious and beautiful, making Chesnutfang only want to learn more.

So he began speaking to her in little ways. He'd make small talk on patrol. He would sometimes invite her to hunt with him. Occasionally, he'd claim he'd grabbed too big of a piece of prey and needed someone to share it with. 

If Tanglenose knew what he was up to, she didn't seem to show it. She spoke politely around him when they interacted, sharing bits and details of her life here and there. She had not been born in FoxClan like Chesnutfang had. Little by little, her kind and somewhat humble personality began to shine through. And Chesnuttail loved every second of it.

One day, as leaf-fall approached, Chesnutfang found Tanglenose sitting by the trees in the forest. He watched the way the yellow leaves swirled around her fur. She gracefully lifted her nose to the air as the wind ruffled her fur.

"Hey," Chesnutfang said, padding up to her. "How are you?"

Tanglenose was staring upward, at a nest with a mother feeding baby birds, Chesnutfang realized. She did not move her gaze from the birds as she stared. "I'm well."

"You seem to really like those birds," Chesnutfang noticed.

"Of course! They sing their melodies in the wind and care for their young. For some reason, it makes me happy," she said, turning to look at him. She smiled gently.

Chesnutfang felt like his heart was about to explode with the way she looked at him.

"Do you want to sit here with me?" Tanglenose inquired.

Chesnutfang nodded and took a seat beside her. Tanglenose lifted her head back up to the trees again and began to whisper a song. It was barely audible, but Chesnutfang could hear the notes nonetheless. He watched intently, listening as her voice grew louder until it echoed through the forest. He realized quickly she was speaking in a different language.

"What are you singing?" Chesnutfang wondered, silencing her song.

"It is a song I learned from my parents. A fox told them it," Tanglenose explained.

"A fox?"

"Yes! My parents were skilled in many languages. They spoke fox, badger, and dog. I can only speak fox and dog," Tanglenose explained.

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