The Rise of SwampClan

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This is a continuation of "Applewhisker's Secret." After this story I will be taking a break from these characters for a while and writing some stories with other/new characters. But for now, enjoy "The Rise of SwampClan." Also this POV is from Cloudfur instead of Icestar for...reasons. Also another thing, Applewhisker's pregnancy is incredibly long because the girl who role-played Applewhisker really drew it out, so please do not correct me about the gestation period of cats. I know it's short.


The mystery of Swamptail and Applewhisker's pregnancy was still a hot subject in SnowClan, even if much had happened since. Dovewing had become a warrior and Cloudfur's mate, and Smokefur, Cloudfur's brother, had become the new deputy of SnowClan after Applewhisker's replacement, Blacktail, passed away.

It was getting into leaf-bare, a time of darkness and sickness. Cloudfur could see a bit of gloom in everyone, but especially in Icestar. Though she presented herself as the strong leader of SnowClan, he noticed her moving slower. Her eyes were not as bright, and even her fur didn't seem as blinding white.

Greencough was beginning to make its presence, and Cloudfur was worried. Death by sickness almost seemed less heroic, more tragic in a way in the clans.

Smokefur took Cloudfur aside one day, his eyes widened with fear.

"She's sick," he told Cloudfur.

"What do you mean?" Cloudfur asked, though he knew who Smokefur was talking about.

"Icestar has greencough, even if she denies it. She's being treated but..."

"This is her last life," Cloudfur murmured.

Smokefur dipped his head. 

"Do you think--"

"I-I think I'll be leader soon. I don't know what to do, Cloudfur. I didn't expect her to assign me as deputy."

"You'll be fine," Cloudfur assured his younger sibling. "Icestar chose you for a reason. I have the upmost faith in you."

"Be my deputy," he begged.

Cloudfur was taken aback. "What?"

"I wish you were becoming leader instead of me, but I know Icestar chose me. You're one of the best SnowClan warriors, Cloudfur. Please be my deputy when Icestar passes."

"I don't want to make that decision yet," Cloudfur said.

"Nightwhisker doesn't think Icestar will live more than a few more days," Smokefur explained. "I have to make this decision soon."

"Let's focus on Icestar first," Cloudfur suggested. "I-I need to let everyone know."

"Don't spread it too much yet," Smokefur warned.

Cloudfur nodded and took off. He called for Applewhisker, Largefoot, and Dovewing.

"Huh? What? What are you blabbing about?" Applewhisker grumbled as she staggered out of the nursery. Clearly she had been unhappily awoken by one of her many naps.

"Icestar is dying," Cloudfur explained.

"Oh no!" Dovewing exclaimed. "She can't die! Where's Nightwhisker?"

"He's treating her, but she's on her last life. She's old. You can't spread this too much, but Smokefur told me they don't expect her to live past a few days."

Applewhisker looked sorrowful and bowed her head. Meanwhile, Dovewing was whispering a prayer to StarClan, and Largefoot was pacing back and forth.

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