31. Runaway Loser

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{ Eun Bi's P.O.V }

Sitting in the library with my books piled up in front of me, I was having a massive headache due to lack of sleep last night.

With a heavy sigh escaping my lips, I decided to take a good 2 minutes rest before continuing my work.

Last night, when I finally got home from my study session with Hoseok, I found that all the lights were off and a sobbing uncle was pretending to be asleep in his room.

That's a breakup atmosphere surrounding him, I can just feel it.

With no further need for explanations, I walked up to my room and plopped down on my bed immediately. But if only I could have fallen asleep...

The whole night, uncle would roam around the house, opening and closing the fridge door or turning the TV on and off or coming to check if I'm sleeping after every single minute. Poor guy knew nothing to do now that his girlfriend left.

With only a 2 hours of sleep at night, I found from uncle that Kat hasn't broken up with him but just gone to her house for some important work and will be returning tomorrow.

Due to the occurrence of those events last night, I was now engulfed by the embrace of a peaceful sleep until someone specific placed something besides my head with a 'thud'.

Looking up, plain annoyed, my expressions suddenly changed to a shocked and starstruck one, "J-Jay?"

Smiling, he slipped down on the space next to me, "I saw you were having some problem with math. Can I help?" sliding my book towards himself, he started examining it.

I sat there with my mouth wide open, not a word leaving from it.

He's so handsome.

"Ah, thanks?"

Snapping out from my thoughts, I looked at him questioningly, "For what?"

"You just complimented me," he said with a small smile on his face as he turned his head towards me.

Jaw hanging open in shock and disbelief, I looked the other way, cursing myself internally.

{ Jungkooks's P.O.V }

"IT'S NOT RIGHT TO CURSE YOURSELF, JIMIN HYUNG!!" running around the living room before jumping over the couch and onto the other side of the deadly beast, I yelled at him.

"SHUT UP, YOU F*****S! I'M GOING TO SUE YOU BOTH! WHAT DO YOU SEE ME AS, YOUR PUPPET??" he yelled, eyes deadly as he turned his head towards Taehyung hyung who was hiding behind the kitchen aisle.

"Come on, Chim. Let's all calm down and tal-"

"YOU! It was your planning, right? I'm going to kill you!" cutting off Taehyung hyung, Jimin hyung sprinted towards him in the kitchen but accidentally hit his foot against the couch in the way.

"F***!" whining in pain, he started jumping in the air with his foot in hand.

"But, hyung. You told me that your parents live in the states too. So you'll be able to see them and that's a good thing, isn't it?" walking slowly to a now calm Jimin hyung who had sat down on the couch with his injured foot in hands, I asked him with a safe distance between us.

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