21. Confession

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{ Author's P.O.V }

"And when Tiffany always tried to join in on our conversation, oh my God how we switched languages from English to Korean. We should've recorded her pissed off face," Eun Byul said with an excited and amused expression on her face as she and Taehyung walked beside each other in a garden near the cafe.

"She literally thought her spectacles and braids will make her look cute," Taehyung, eating the last bits of the biscuit of his ice cream cone, said as he stopped walking.

"Yeah. One way or another, those times were really fun," Eun Byul said, staring at the night sky as she came to a stop.

Nodding, Taehyung also stared at the sky as silence took over them. He felt good talking to her again but the pain of her leaving tomorrow was making him feel guiltier by every second.

Gulping, he averted his gaze from the sky to Eun Byul, "Eun Byul?"

"Hmm?" giving him a quick glance, she turned her gaze back to the sky.

"Are you really gonna leave?" he said, his voice deeper with a hint of pain.

Sighing, she looked at the ground before looking at him, "Yes."

"Oh... Okay," these were the only words that left Taehyung's mouth and the words in his heart never made their way to his mouth as he and Eun Byul reached the end of their short walk.

[ Meanwhile ]

"And... It's across the street," Jungkook said, looking up from his phone before pointing at the cafe on the other side of the street.

"Yeah thanks, Sherlock Holmes for forgetting your wallet and getting us lost," Eun Bi rolled her eyes at him, plainly annoyed by his presence.

"You're welcome," Jungkook said, grinning while eyes plastered at his phone screen.

Sighing, Eun Bi pinched his arm, earning a few groans and a slap on her hand from him.

"Hey! You crazy?!" he said dramatically while rubbing his arm.

"I don't want to take you home in pieces so look at the road while crossing it," Eun Bi scolded him.

"Whatever," he said, stuffing his phone in his pocket before fixating his gaze at the busy road.

The light soon turned green and as Eun Bi walked a few steps, Jungkook ran past her, "Last one there is a grumpy dinosaur," he said as he tripped over his shoelaces and almost fell.

Eun Bi chuckled, "Why is he so weird today?" mumbling, she made her way across the road, "Didn't you had a better thing then grumpy dinosaur?" she asked him as he was sitting down and tightening his shoelaces to not trip over them again.

Standing up, he smiled victoriously, "No. And don't try to befriend me, I don't want a grumpy dinosaur as a friend," he said, turning around and walking towards the cafe.

"What?" Eun Bi asked as she jogged up to him, "Who said I was befriending you? I will never befriend you even if you're the last person on Earth." she said, crossing her arms.

"Wow, you look more grumpy, grumpy dinosaur," he said as he opened the cafe's glass door, a mischevious grin playing on his lips.

"You..." Eun Bi stopped, closing her eyes to gulp down her anger and not create a scene there. But soon, she covered her forehead as she felt a strong finger flicking it, "If your unnecessary meditation is over, then can you explain why they're not here?" Jungkook said, crossing his arms.

"Ouch!" Rubbing her forehead, Eun Bi opened her eyes and looked around, "What do you mean?"

"They're not here is what I mean. Now, what do we do?"

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