35. Frenemies

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{ Three days after Jungkook left }

{ Eun Byul's P.O.V }

Settling in my seat, I heaved a sigh of relief on not being late. Just then, the door opened and the teacher walked in. We all stood up and greeted her before sitting back as she started taking attendance.

What struck me odd was when Taehyung didn't answer even after his name was called several times. Turning around, I saw that he wasn't on his seat.

He's absent?

That's odd. No matter how much he unlikes studies or school, he never misses school.

.... Whatever.

Turning back, I started flashing smiles on the girl sitting next to me because once again I had forgotten to bring my Korean history book.

[ Recess ]

I sat on a table with some of my classmates and some students from other classes. No matter which age or which grade, I was able to befriend almost everyone if I wanted to.

No one approached me first because I would send death glares at people whom I wasn't interested in. So it made easier for me to befriend only certain people who were of my likings.




Turning my stuffed with food face towards the voices, I saw Jin and Yoongi standing there.

"What's up?" I asked as all my friends turned their attention towards the two older guys.

Jin cleared his throat before they both walked up behind me.

"A word, Eun Bi."

And before I knew, I was dragged away from my group of friends and up to the roof. As we reached the roof, Yoongi had already received a punch in his eye and a bunch of Jin's hair were in my hands.



My super angry yelling session was cut off before it even began by Jin's loud yell of agony.

"My- my beautiful precious hair..." falling to the ground like a defeated warrior, he looked at my hands longingly in which his hair were grasped. "M-Monster!" he half-yelled as he pointed his finger at me.

"D***, this'll stay for days," Yoongi said as he touched his bruised eye which now had turned a light shade of purple before secretly glaring at me.

He's not sending me negative waves cause I can feel darkness surrounding me, is he?

"Cut the crap, guys. What am I here for?" I asked angrily as I crossed my arms.

"Y-Yoongi..." Jin sobbed as he froze in the overdramatic position where his eyes were fixed on his broken hair which were now scattered on the ground.

Sighing, Yoongi shook his head slightly before saying, "Eun Bi, is there something happening with Taehyung?"

"Kim Taehyung?"

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