10. Dozing Off

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{ Author's P.O.V }

Busy while admiring the evening view and talking, Eun Byul and Eun Bi were having a good time while walking back from school.

Suddenly, a loud horn from behind made them both jump in shock. Just then, a car zoomed pass them which stopped after a distance.

Eun Byul cursed under her breath as the mirror of the car rolled down and a head popped out.

"Haha! Loser!" Taehyung shouted and stuck out his tongue at Eun Byul.

Stomping her feet on the ground in anger, Eun Byul yelled, "YOU JERK!!"

A hand from inside the car grabbed a poking-his-tongue out Taehyung's collar and pushed him back inside before the mirror rolled down and the car drove away.

"That little..." Eun Byul gritted her teeth, glaring at the spot from where the car disappeared from their view.

"Leave them, Unnie," Eun Bi said with a smile as she patted Eun Byul's shoulder.

Eun Byul nodded and they both continued walking. They didn't talked much after that, of which Eun Byul was the reason as she was still pissed off at Taehyung, occasionally cursing him and his brother.

{ Jungkook's P.O.V }

"Hyung?" I called hyung who was sitting beside me on my bed and was looking in thin air with a blank look on his face.

Having got no reply from him, I sang out, "Hyyuung?"

Still getting no response, I huffed in a breath before yelling, "HYUNG!!"

Jumping in shock, he almost fell down from the bed "Yeah-Wh-What!?" He exclaimed, looking around at his surroundings before turning his gaze to me.

"Wanna go out?" I said as I shut my laptop and pulled out my earbuds.

"Sure.... But where to?" He asked, getting his posture straight before running his hand through his hair.

Tapping my chin in thought, "How about arcade?" I asked him.

His face scrunched a bit "Umm... No, I don't think so. Arcade gets boring."

I looked at him, a bit shocked as he had never given any bad compliment about arcade because both I and him loves arcade.

Slumping back, I pouted as I crossed my arms.

The idea of not going to arcade bothered me but him saying he doesn't likes arcade kind of irritated me.

What's wrong with arcade? Last time we went, we had so much fun.

"Just kidding. Let's go to arcade," he said, patting my arm before standing up.

Putting on his jacket, he smiled at me, "Let's go."

I smiled widely, showing my teeth before standing up. Pulling on my bomber jacket, I followed him out.


{ Eun Bi's P.O.V }

"So the answer will be...?" I looked up at Unnie who was dozing off.

I sighed and shut the books.

"Unnie?" I called her "Unnnie?"

Getting no response, I inhaled before yelling, "UNNIE!"

"WH-WHART!?" She shouted, looking around.

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