Ch.68 - 7th grade (Part 28)

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I’m young and immature,

so I’ve never really experienced love or any of that sort.

I’ve only had crushes, and small admirations for certain people.

I never went the extra step to tell them what I felt.


I actually don’t know.

But I knew that I didn’t want to get into a relationship.

And if telling someone you liked them risks being in a relationship with them,

I was fine with liking from a distance.

I liked it better that way.

On the surface, I could be friends with him,

talk and laugh with him every day,

and deep inside, love every little thing about him.

What did it mean to love someone,

when I was fine with being friends with them like this?

Was what I felt for Hatori, or even Kurosawa for that matter,

something where love would spring forth?

What was the difference between the joy of being with friends,

and the joy of being with someone you love?

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