Ch.43 - 7th grade (Part 3)

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Michiyo-chan, Akimoto-kun, Hatori-kun,

Ayumu-chan, Nakashima-kun, Michishige-kun…

The names kept going and going,

until it reached a student sitting in the middle of the room.

Did I hear that right?

Kurosawa Shigure desu. Onegaishimasu. Nice to meet you"

Kurosawa… Shigure?

I looked again,

squinting my eyes this time to make out his face.

It was the same.

It was definitely Kurosawa-kun.

Did he come back?

He’s been gone since second grade!

Ah, that’s right,

he was the boy I liked before Hatori-kun.

My first love from second grade.

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