Chapter 20

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Katie slowly sat up and stretched with a stifled yawn. "Good morning future sister-in-law."


"You and Lance were cuddling all last night. Aren't you a thing now?"

"I mean, no? When we start dating, we'll tell you." she answered standing and riding herself of all the blankets. Now she was sweating. "They fixed the air conditioning?"

Veronica nodded tossing over a new shirt slightly smirking noticing that she was still wearing his jacket. "Come on, I need to check on James and Nadia."

Katie slightly frowned. Both were still injured and she killed the other two. It wasn't planned but then again, most of the people she killed wasn't planned. If she had known Lotor would've sent her back then she could've spent the extra two days to escape and not kill them. "Who's going to watch me?"

"Keith actually said he wanted to talk to you."

Katie nodded and changed. She decided it be best to leave Lance's jacket in here. Both walked down the halls when they found Keith talking to Sam. Veronica gave a small smile and continued on towards the medical bay. Never would she forgive Katie for the harm she did but she would still talk to her.

"Finally. Sleep well?"

She shrugged. Normally, Keith avoided her and refused to say three words. What changed? Sam gave her a smile "I'll be heading off."

They stayed silent as he left. Then, Keith walked leaving her to follow. Katie hated how it was so awkward. When they were kids, they were best friends. Sure that changed over time but it still hurt knowing how different everything was. "Remember that time when I gambled I'd get to space before you?"

She easily seen the sides of his lips urn to a smile, even if he was fighting it. "I do. You also claimed you'd do something crazy while up there."

"I think everyone accomplished that."

Keith opened his mouth then turned. "Stop. Your the enemy. I can't think of all this."

Katie sighed "Where are we going? Did you finally decide that you wanted to kill me?"

Keith shot her a sideways glance. "No."

"What's going on Keith?"

"How can you act as if everything is fine!" he snapped "Don't you get it! You were my best friend and you betrayed us! Me! We promised to be at each other sides! We were the sword and shield!" the raven haired emo frowned "Never mind. I didn't mean to, snap."

Katie frowed. She knew she wouldn't be the Pidge Gunderson they all remembered. That they would never see her the same. Although she was fine to stay in the war, she realized that she would most likely have to hurt her old allies. Would she be able to do that? She knew she wouldn't actually be able to. As Keith said, they used to be best friends. How was she expected to kill him? Sure, she threatened to harm Matt the few times they were in the same room but could she kill him?

The only reason she was even able to kill Romelle was because she was working for Haggard! Romelle was going to do something far worse then what Katie would ever do. She was helping release Haggard's minions on the Atlas. Katie stopped her mind. Maybe she could tell Voltron? Would they kill the Haggard? If they didn't then there would be no point in telling them.

"I know. I know your mad. You deserve to be. I know I'm the villain. I know."


She stayed quiet debating on what to tell him. If she should tell him. "Answer me!"

"How Keith? How do you want me to answer?"

"Why kill Adam! Let's start with that."

Katie wanted to cry. He knew what she did. She hated what she did. If Adam had just killed her he would've been free. She wouldn't have became this monster. She wouldn't have to live knowing Voltron never bothered looking for her. "Keith." Although she wanted to break. To tell him everything, she was still Lotor's Executioner. She had to be strong. "I have a deal for the Voltron coalition. One that may prevent Voltron from dying."

If Katie was going to die, she was going to die following Lotor's orders while helping her Voltron. Defeat Haggard, maybe it would even lead to them killing the witch.

Voltron's ExecutionerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz