Chapter 1

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Ships flew past them and soon enough the pilot saw them explode. Frowning the paladin dove down as they were being shot at. This was not a part of the plan but there was nothing that could be done now sadly. Over the radio came a voice of one of the rebels saying that their forces were retreating. That they didn't prepare enough for a battle this big. No one did.

In the end, voltron won, obviously. They were the good guys, sure they could get close to losing but they could always bounce back. Or at least, that's what they hoped. So far, it was working. Lance watched as everyone walked out onto the planet silently. Lotor was gone. There was no evil Galran emperor meaning shouldn't they stop attacking them? Of course, they never did. So far, every varga and a half they seemed to run into some enemy. When could they just go to earth and have a break? And staying on this random planet for rest was not a break.

Lance understood, paladin life never got a break. But no rest was not something he liked. He could just feel his face needed what used to be the nightly mask but that hasn't happened in months. Stupid aliens wanting to destroy the people who are attempting to defend the universe. Slowly he started mumbling and the team all listened in with confused gazes.


"Don't they know they're the bad guys?"

Allura sighed and turned to the other members that were present "Any major injuries?"

None claimed to have any when the door slide open to the hut again. The princess slightly smiled seeing Coran come through the doors to sit on the couch with the group. "Princess, I feel like we should get some rest."

"I agree." She smiled "Paladins, go rest. There may be another attack soon enough." No one objected. The only thing close to an objection was Keith and Lance bickering with Shiro attempting to break them apart even though he was recovering from being brought back to life. Although she soon noticed Hunk take a turn towards the door to head where the lions were hidden. "Hunk? Is something the matter?"

The male turned "I'm checking on Pidge."

Allura nodded and frowned to herself. How could she not notice that the youngest wasn't in the room. She was sure that the lion returned however. "I'll check Pidge's room."

So they separated and went to check on the green paladin where ever she might be. Neither minded the quietness of the dimly lit halls. Of course they were their different from the comfort of the palace but nothing could be done about that. Voltron was to save the universe, and that's what they did.

The Altean knocked on the door she had to stop the boys from killing Pidge for dibsing when they called before they landed. Nothing could stop herself from smiling at the memories, the new, the old, even Lance's terrible flirting when they first met was something she wouldn't trade. Although, her and Pidge never did seem to do anything with just them. It was decided in her mind. When they arrived to earth, Pidge and Allura would have a girl day. Hopefully without stopping into a computer store of some sort. After all, they were still teammates.

Sadly, Allura didn't even get an answer leaving her to walk away and hoping that the green paladin was still in the hanger where Hunk would find her.

Hunk scanned the area and was in shock. A terrified scared shock to not see the girl outside. But the lion was there. Good, Right? Wrong, the shield was on meaning no one could get close to even scream at the pilot. That was until he noticed Pidge stumble down and make her way toward him. "Hunk?"

He ran over to help her stand and easily the stubborn teen took the aid. "Pidge?"

Her hands slipped off the helmet "Greens in bad condition. I can't go till she's fixed."

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