Chapter 14

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"Shut up."

Lotor smirked as they watch the red paladin enter the arena. "We both know you don't want him to die." His smirked died when he didn't get a reply and his Executioner didn't move. The alien rolled his eyes "Don't worry. He'll live."

"I'm aware."

"Really? How are you sure?" His eyes flickered to Lance who seemed to be fighting well enough not to die within ten seconds. Never did he get a reply. That was a bad sign. "What did you do?"

Her voice was that as a robot with no feelings. At this moment, Lotor wished that were the case. "Nothing."

"I know you did."

"Lotor, if your worried for your life you know I will do whatever it takes to dies before you."

He sighed. She wasn't budging and Lotor had a feeling he'd find out sooner rather then-

An explosion shook the ship from the left. Either it was an explosion like he believed or something crashed into the ship. With a sharp glare to his Executioner he signalled for the girl to follow him to the main area of the ship where he could order his troops easier. Lotor was ready to punch someone, and although he knew that this was most likely his Executioner's fault, a part of him wondered how difficult it would be to blame the witch.

Lance scanned the area around him, luckily the opponent gave up as soon as the attack started. His eyes caught the empty section where Lotor and his Executioner were moments ago. Gone. He could make his escape, but how would he get Pidge?

"Lance!" He turned and grinned seeing Allura. "Am I glad to see you! I could kiss you princess!"

"Please don't."

Both laughed. "So where's the soldiers?"

"Fighting the others. We need to go."

"Wait! We have to get something first. Trust me, I know where to go."

Lotor was frowning as he fought with the new green paladin. Although he had something against every paladin, he really liked the idea of killing greenie. After all, he cared about Katie even if at first she was a prisoner and still technically was.

Although, he decided he wouldn't kill Matt. He'd leave that for Katie. It would be more rewarding that way. It would prove that they were the bad guys and only the bad guys understand the need the pair share.

Keith rounded the corner slicing through the sentry standing in the way. Where ever Lance was, he had to hope that someone was getting him out as the rest fought. Keith wouldn't let another paladin just die. Lance would never be Pidge.

"Well look who's here. I assume you came to get some bruises again, right, black paladin?" The voice lacked emotions as if it were a software program. At this time, Keith was starting to think that Lotor's Executioner was nothing more than a robot. "So you aren't a complete coward who just runs away."

"Me a coward? I beat your sorry ass and infiltrated your team so a member would choose me over you. Shame it wasn't Takashi."

"Sassy this time." muttered Keith as his jab missed the target of her nose, instead he stumbled slightly forward. The Executioner used the opportunity to elbow his spine however Keith was quick enough to dodge. "Well, you are in my domain. It's such a shame though. I thought Voltron was smarter than this."

Keith glared. What was that supposed to mean? He punched her in the chest however, it gave her the opening to deliver an uppercut. "Who the hell do you think you are? Shocked Lotor hasn't killed you for your superiority complex."

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