Chapter 16

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Shay tensed staring at the short girl. There was no way that the once believed dead paladin of the green lion was Lotor's Executioner. Her body was tense as she placed a hand on her stomach. Eyes flickered to her paling husband. "Hunk?"

He frowned but nodded nonetheless.

She was telling the truth. Lotor's Executioner was an ex-paladin. How did that even happen? She met Pidge, she knew that the other disagreed with their logic so how was she able to become their private assassin, hacker and who knows what else. Shay frowned. Everyone speculated how Lotor was able to be so close to the Executioner. Was Pidge dating Lotor? Was she the enemies Queen?

Veronica stared. "Your telling me, that when I said Lance had a huge crush on-"

"You told her!"

Katie nodded "Yes."

"And Lance knew who you were."


"Are you actually sorry?"

"The only person aboard I desire to kill is Matthew Holt. I believe I've informed this to you before."

Veronica nodded. Shay was lost. "Isn't he your brother?"

Pidge nodded and sighed. She really rather not explain her motives, especially to someone that she threatened to torture and kill. "Keith wants me detained right? Lead the way."

No one moved.

"I'm not going to the meeting so I can watch you." Everyone gave Hunk a confused look for that. "What? I can't vote to kill her or keep her alive.She says herself we should kill her but I just can't. This way, I don't have to chose."

Lance huffed "Fine. I'm going. Pidge, don't worry I'm not letting you die."

"I wish you did." she muttered.

Keith frowned watching Lance enter followed by his sister. "Where's Hunk and Shay?"

"Not coming. Couldn't bring themselves to vote."

Shiro nodded placing a hand on Keith's shoulder. Already the Texan was growing agitated. "Does anyone have any ideas?"

They all stayed silent, especially the Holt family. The captain sighed as James stood. This wasn't going to start well. "We should kill her. She's a murderer. Who cares if she used to be a member she's a bad guy now. Pidge Gunderson killed people aboard this ship, now is asking for sanctuary?-"

"That's not true!" interrupted Lance "We forced her to come! She was forced to kill everyone because she's been a prisoner!"

James sent the paladin a dirty look "She hasn't killed the people you thought of as family paladin."

"Your right, but I have to know that I dragged a friend to space, helped her search for her family, fight side by side with her, know all her insecurities, fall in love with her then find out she dies only to realize that you abandoned her. Sure, she may be buddy buddy with Lotor but she was still tortured! Why do you think she wants to kill her brother! For fun? After spending years searching for him! No! What gives you the right to judge her when during the garrison you thought Pidge Gunderson was some failure."

"Lance." hissed Veronica.

"No! He doesn't get it! When I was taken she trained me so she didn't have to worry about me dying. And you know what else. She cries! Cries all the time for what she became!"

"Lance. Don't lie." said Pidge flatly walking into the room.

"Acting like you own the place now?" hissed James.

"If you want, kill me. But, it doesn't bring them back. Sorry but sacrifices have to be made."

"Why you little-"

Keith was quick to restrain him and glared at her. "I thought Hunk was watching you!"

"He was. I snuck off, it's important that I talk to Takashi. After, you can kill me. Happy?"

"We should kill everyone you care about first!" he hissed "Then see if you feel pain."

"Good luck killing Lotor then. Shiro?"

"Of course." He answered standing and walking out of the room. What could she even want to tell him. Shiro had to wonder if whatever this was about, is why she wanted him to know who she was. It most likely was. They made their way to a hall and he waited. But she didn't stop, she checked down the hall then returned. "It's about Adam."

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