Chapter 4

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Several Earth days had passed by the time that Matt decided to sit in the pilot's chair. The next day after that, he agreed to be the green paladin however, once they saved Earth he needed proper time to grieve Katie, including not piloting the lion. Everyone agreed.

It was hard and by the end of the battle, everyone was severely hurt but they were on Earth. People, humans and Aliens helped to rebuild the planet. It was great.

Keith walked down the street stretching after helping a Balmarian carry materials to a mall that was being built. The black paladin lost their gaze as a cloaked figure walked from him. When they arrived, the stranger passed a note then left.

'Your Green Paladin will live, for now.'

Keith ran to where he would now the Holt family would be. Maybe, just maybe they were meaning Pidge. No one said a word about the young girl. They still remembered her, just couldn't talk about her. Keith still hated how when they were in the prison he wasn't the first to react. He was the leader! He should have. She was like a sister to him. To all of them.

Although that wasn't a lie, Keith knew her well before Voltron. Thought of her that way well before he abandoned the Garrison. As the history goes, it was Shiro, Matt and Sam to fly to Kerberos. Several times before the mission the Holt family hosted Shiro. After realizing Katie was attempting to get classified information from him and he already gave quite a bit he started bringing around Keith so that the two could 'make friends'.

They lost contact but when they did meet up again, and she finally admitted to being Katie they talked. It was like finding a long lost sister. They were rather happy with their odd family like dynamic before she died.

There the leader noticed that Sam and Matt were injured along with many others. They tried to kill the current green paladin. "What happened!" Keith didn't even want to think of who did this.

Matt walked over, wiping dirt from his hands. "Galra. We dealt with it. You look like you saw a ghost."

He passed the note to the paladin frowning. The brunette looked back up quickly "That was planned?"

"Sounds so. They may attack you again soon."

"What's the plan?"

"Don't tell people but be prepared for another attack."

Matt nodded as his mother called him over and he dismissed himself. Keith placed the note in compartment in the suit. What were they supposed to do with assassination attempts against a paladin. And why would they choose Matt? Keith decided he'd talk to Shiro about it, maybe space dad could help explain this and why they would go for Matt.

Hunk smiled telling stories of space to his family with Shay beside him. The paladin still had to be extremely careful due to a concussion. At least he wasn't dead. His voice stopped realizing it was how he and Lance were on a mermaid planet. The children already loved it. "Hey! Don't make it sound like you weren't brain washed!"

Lance sat beside his friend smiling as the children gawked over Hunk being brainwashed. "I was talking about the evil garden place."

Lance rolled his eyes knowing the other was lying "Sure. Hey, have you seen Allura?"

"Going to ask her on a date are you?" teased Shay.

Lance pffted and waved his hands as his face was completely red "No way!" he paused "Why? Do you think she'd say yes?"

Hunk playfully shoved him watching all the children run off because the food was done. Lucky Hunk, his family was doing a giant barbecue. Everyone from Voltron was invited, but they all knew it was an excuse to tease him and Shay. The Balmarian would soon find that out as well. "Lance, it's obvious there's some sort of connection."

"You think so?"

Shay giggled "Lance, everyone can tell."

The red paladin was grinning as he stood once again. Maybe he would ask out the princess. He only had one issue. Lance didn't just want to be some rebound after Lotor. Lotor of all the hot aliens in space! The brunette was waiting, at least until Allura had more time to move past the probably (hopefully) deceased prince.

Then there was also the issue of grieving over Pidge. Lance refused to dwell on that subject any longer then thinking it for a second.

"Maybe I'll ask her out." He didn't dare add the eventually.

Lance walked around the city smiling at the progress. Soon enough and it would all be back better than ever before. Home. He missed it. Lance just hoped they wouldn't go any large voyages through space soon. His mind stopped seeing a freaked out Keith. Never a good or safe combination.

"Mullet! What's going on?"

The leader looked at him as Keith laced his fingers through his hair leaving Lance to stand silently. In the end, Keith decided to tell him, he should know in case he was attacked and Lance was his right hand. "There's been an assassination attempt on Matt. I've been looking for Shiro but can't find him. What if they, I can't lose him again."

The red paladin rubbed the part Galran's back. "I'm positive Shiro is with Veronica, who is with my family. Come on."

Indeed the pilot was talking to the McClain family. Lance watched as they left and grinned at his own family, quick to laugh at Marco's antics as he attempted not to think of what he was just told. Someone tried to kill Matt.

Months passed. Allura and Sam Holt were leaving the basement where they were storing that awful robot Voltron fought with the Altean on a stretcher. This could only mean one thing in their mind. That there was some out there who knew about the colony, kidnapped all the Alteans, knew how to harvest quintescents to operate things and be able to have full control from some sort of distance. In Allura's head the first villain in mind was Haggard, but did she know about the Alteans? That left Lotor. Or a combination of them both, or a new foe.

All bad options.

What were they going to do?

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