Chapter 15

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Lance grinned "And you thought I was crazy for not realizing she was a girl! You didn't even know it was her!"

All parties were quiet. "Katie,is th-"

"Let me make myself clear Matthew. I will go with the Voltron coalition because of orders. I will not kill anyone, including you even if I want to, but you and I don't speak or get left alone."

"Pidge," stated Allura in shock still "Why, you should have contacted us."

Her nose twitched. They really weren't making it easy to leave Lotor. "Who do you think sent the picture of Lance three days ago? Who do you think has been hacking into the Atlas and leaving clues? Who do you think keeps leaving hints to Voltron? About attacks and all that? Who do you fucking think!" she took a breath "Am I leaving with Voltron or Lotor?"

"Us." answered Lance "Please?"

Katie sighed. Lotor had promised her. And she still needed to apologize to Veronica. And tell Shiro about Adam. Plus it would hurt again to not have Lance around and grow used to only Lotor. She quickly hugged the Galran and frowned "You need me, tell me. I'm still Lotor's Executioner."

"I'm aware. That's why I'm okay knowing you'll be with the enemy. Although we do need to discuss sending Voltron information. Like how we had the red paladin. Be safe."

"I will." She pulled away. It ended up being decided that Hunk was going to fly her back since Keith wanted to talk to Lance, privately and Allura was in charge of Matt. Hunk was grinning when he was told he got to fly Katie. But when he landed and the Executioner entered, he was confused. "Been a while."

"Mryma? What's going on?"

She sighed and retracted the face guard to show she was actually Katie. "Did they not tell you I was the Executioner?"

In shock, the yellow paladin only shook his head. Soon taking them away from the Galran ship. "A lot happened."

"I know. Congrats by the way. The wedding was really pretty."

"Thanks." he answered realizing how awkward this was. Hunk didn't even want to ask how she watched it. "So, you and Lotor?"

"What about us?"

"Well, you said like two weeks ago you were friends."

"We are. It's complicated."

They stayed quiet before Hunk gave up. "Can we talk, about what happened. I missed having fun with you."

"You just found out I was alive. It's going to be weird."

"I also just found out you've been an enemy for years."

So the pair instead flew circles around the Atlas. Hunk using the excuse of she needs to be comfortable with at least one other person. Both avoided the topic of her killing innocent people. Currently, they were on their seventeenth circle. "So, how did you propose?"

"As soon as I got on a knee she said yes. Didn't even let me ask."

Pidge wore a sad smile. She loved most of her time with Lotor but she hated how she missed the important moments for the paladins. After all, it wasn't like she believed in Lotor's goals, she still supported them. Hunk smiled "What about you? Boyfriends? Lotor?"

Her nose was scrunched "Nope. And why Lotor? If anything there's the new general, well general candidate."

"Oh? But I thought since you two were so close."

"We're only close cause we're similar. Besides, Lotor's hung upon an ex. She supports Voltron and he did something awful to her. So he knows not to try again but still it hurts."

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