Part 45

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Yoongi had not left her side yet, her mother making him eat and drink every few hours. It was mid afternoon the next day when suddenly one of the machines began making a weird noise and Yoongi's head snapped up when he heard a gagging noise. Her eyelids were fluttering and she seemed like she was choking.

He quickly leapt to his feet. "H-help! We need a nurse in here!" He called, her parents both perking up from where they were dozing on the hard couch against one of the walls as a nurse rushed in, quickly followed by a doctor who began fiddling with the clear plastic tube in her throat. The nurse held her arm out, gently pushing Yoongi back from the bed to give them room.

"Sir, this is good - she's choking on the intubation which means it needs to come out - she's trying to breathe on her own," the nurse was saying to him. Yoongi's eyes flew wide and when he looked back the doctor had removed the tube and and was checking the machines. Her chest was rising and falling steadily and Yoongi quickly dove back into his chair, snatching up her hand.

"Baby are you there?" He asked.

"She's going to have trouble speaking," the nurse said softly. She turned to the girl in the bed who was blinking her eyes blearily. "Hello sweetheart," the nurse said to her. "You have some visitors who missed you very much. But before they can talk to you I'd like to know how you're feeling. I'm sure your throat hurts, and I'll get you some water. But first can you squeeze my hand?" She asked, placing her hand in hers. The girl swallowed slowly and wrapped her fingers around the nurse's, squeezing them softly. "Good job! Now can you hold your fingers up and tell me your pain level out of ten? With ten being the worst possible pain you could be feeling," the nurse said, holding her ten fingers up to demonstrate. The girl on the bed let her eyes close, considering for a moment and then she slowly raised five fingers. "Now don't go easy dear, that seems low. Tell me truly so we can help you feel better," the nurse chuckled. She took a deep, slow breath before slowly raising eight fingers this time. "That seems more like it," the nurse said. "I'll be back with something for your pain."

As soon as the nurse was gone Yoongi grabbed her hand back up and kissed it. Her parents rose and stepped up to the bed. She opened her eyes and looked between all of them, then offered a slight smile, opening her mouth to speak.

"Hi guys," she croaked. It came out breathy and quiet and her mom shook her head.

"Don't talk sweetie, your throat is bruised. Just rest, we'll still be here," she said, brushing her daughter's hair back from her forehead. "Actually, let's step out for a moment, alright?" She said to her husband. "We love you very much and we're so happy you're awake," she said, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her forehead. Then the two of them left the room and Yoongi squeezed her hand softly.

"Baby you came back to me," he whispered.

"Of course I did," she managed to say. She cringed then, gritting her teeth together. "It hurts Yoonie," she whispered, her voice tiny and so soft - she seemed so small in this moment to him and he couldn't stand it.

"I'm so sorry," he choked out, pressing his forehead against her knuckles. "Can you please forgive me for letting this happen to you?"

"Shut up," she croaked. He looked up at her, biting his lip in pain. "You've been crying so much," she said, her half lidded eyes looking over his puffy face like she was wishing she could raise her weak arm to touch it. "No more," she whispered.

"Alright baby. Do you want me to call Tae?" He asked. She nodded. "Now or in a bit?" she motioned for the latter and he nodded.

The nurse came bustling back into the room with a bag of saline and a smaller bag, hanging both and plugging them into the IV that went into her arm. "Alright dear, I've got some morphine here for you and it should help with the pain but it will also make you sleepy, alright?" She nodded. "Do you need anything else? Another blanket?" She shook her head. "Alright, I'll be back after while. Just push this button if you need me sooner." She left the room then.

Colder Kitten : myg ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora