Part 43

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T/w - blood


Yoongi headed away from the bar to go outside and wait for you. You smiled at his back as he left. He was always teasing you with his body like that even when he didn't mean to and you couldn't wait to get home and punish him for it. You continued wiping down the bar, making sure everything was clean and ready for the next day.

You suddenly heard a door swinging from down the hall where the restrooms were. It startled you a bit, you thought you were the last one out tonight. Then a man came out and headed straight for you, his eyes looking wild and his hands shaking. You blinked in shock.

"I'm sorry sir, but we're closed. I'll have to ask you to leave," you said, trying to sound like he didn't terrify you for some reason. He didn't respond to what you had said, just came to stand at the entrance to the bar, facing you. "Sir, you-"

You gasped when you saw what he held in his hand as he raised his arm and pointed the dark metal object at you. You swallowed and slowly raised your hands, not daring to move another muscle.

"Open the register," the man demanded, his voice wavering a bit. You shook your head slightly, not moving from your spot.

"Sir we - we've been closed for a while. We don't keep money in the register overnight, it's empty," you said, your own voice shaking a little in fear. The man seemed unstable and he terrified you.

"Where's the money then?" He asked loudly.

"It's i-in the s-safe," you stuttered.

"Open the fucking safe then," he demanded.

"I'm sor-sorry sir but I c-can't. I'm just a bartender I don't know h-how," you replied, your heart racing and your breath quickening in fear.

"Where are your tips then?" He finally asked, nearly shouting in anger, his finger too close to the trigger of the gun that he still pointed at you. You began to reach for your pocket to retrieve the money he asked for when you felt what seemed like an explosion in your thigh.

You staggered backward and collapsed on the floor. It was as if you heard the sound of the gun going off after you had already been hit with the bullet, the sound ringing in your ears as the man cursed and took off running toward the back exit.

It didn't even hurt at first. It just felt as if something had crashed into your thigh and knocked you over. But you knew it should hurt because you couldn't see right, your vision was too spotty, your head lying against the cold tile of the floor of the bar. Then suddenly blinding pain hit you all at once and you couldn't move, you couldn't speak, you could barely breathe. You weren't even sure if your leg was there anymore, where it had been was just searing, ripping pain. Your last thought before you lost consciousness was of how it would kill Yoongi to find you like this and you were suddenly so sad.

Then there was nothing.


Every thought in Yoongi's mind flew out when he saw her bleeding there on the floor. Her pink and purple hair was spread out behind her like a waterfall, the sticky red substance creeping across the floor toward it and staining the pink ends a dark red color. He stared at her in horror for a breath before rushing to her. There was a bullet wound in her thigh that was leaking hot red blood rapidly - too fast, it was everywhere. He ripped his shirt off over his head and balled it up, pressing it tightly to the wound with one hand as he dug his phone out of his pocket with the other. He dialed emergency services, his hands shaking.

"Baby! Baby are you there? Please talk to me," he tried yelling at her as the phone rang on the other end. When an answer finally came he shouted into the phone, his composure breaking as he said out loud that his girlfriend had been shot and was bleeding out on the floor, sobbing and choking as he did so. He didn't know what the person on the other side of the phone said as he gave the address for the bar and hung up before shoving it back in his pocket. He continued to try and speak to her, to get her to wake up, to get her to move - but she was still and silent.

Colder Kitten : myg ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें