Part 12

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God, she was being so annoying, Yoongi couldn't believe she had really continued this argument as they left her apartment and headed for the train station. He hedged in around her and changed the subject subtly, bringing up Debussy. He had guessed, correctly he was fairly certain, that he was her favorite composer and he smiled smugly as her face lit up and she began going on about his music. He glanced at her as she talked animatedly with her hands, her excited face making her look so cute. She was wearing his beanie again and he couldn't wait to steal it back from her and breathe her in. He inhaled deeply and smiled. He had the real thing now of course.

"Yoongs! Did you hear what I said?" She asked, snapping her fingers in front of him, the harsh sound making his ears flick back and his tail twitch in annoyance.

"No, I stopped listening ten minutes ago, because you never stop talking," he grumbled. She frowned deeply and a shadow of hurt flickered across her face, making him regret snapping at her. "Sorry, princess, I was just joking. I did kind of zone out there for a second though, what were you saying?" She rolled her eyes in annoyance and repeated herself, and this time he listened attentively, watching her hands as she spoke and wishing he could hold them. As they arrived at their stop and exited the train he got his wish when she stumbled and he reached out without thinking and grabbed her hand, helping her regain her balance.

The skin on skin contact sent a shiver through him like an electrical current and he couldn't force himself to let go of her, avoiding eye contact as he threaded his fingers between hers and held tightly, tugging her toward the exit of the train station. She was looking at him in surprise, but followed after him anyway and didn't pull her hand away, curling her fingers around his as well. He led her out of the station and in the direction of his apartment, but she frowned and looked at him as they walked.

"Where are we going?"

"My apartment?" He responded, confused at her question. He thought that had been clear.

"Don't you live that way though?" She asked, pointing at the neighborhood near the train station. He gave her an odd look, still holding her hand as he led her in the opposite direction.

"No, I uh - I live on the other side of the bar actually," he admitted, blushing slightly.

"What? How come you're always here when I get off the train then if you don't pass by on your way?" She asked in confusion.

"It's not out of the way," he mumbled, not looking at her. She stopped walking though, tugging on their still entwined hands to make him stop as well.

"It's literally the opposite direction. Yoon - you don't have to walk me to work. It's daylight, I'm fine," she said, her brow slightly furrowed.

"I can stop if you don't want me to," he said quietly, meeting her gaze a little sadly, and loosening his fingers from hers. She quickly tightened her hand though, not letting him pull away.

"That's not - I just mean-" she huffed, shaking her head as she started walking again. "I didn't realize you were going so far out of your way for me is all."  They walked in silence for a moment, before she sighed heavily. "I don't...not want you to though," she mumbled. His ears perked toward her and he couldn't help smiling a little smugly.

"What was that princess? Could you be more clear?"

She rolled her eyes. "I like when you walk with me to work," she grumbled and he squeezed her hand softly in answer, chuckling.

They arrived at his building and he led her in and up to his apartment. He finally let go of her hand when he unlocked and opened the door, turning on the lights and heading for the kitchen. She glanced around his plain but nice apartment as she followed him into the kitchen. He dug some things out of the fridge and pulled down a pan, setting it on the stove. She leaned against the counter, watching him quietly. He worked, whipping up a quick meal, constantly aware of her eyes on his back and her smell permeating his apartment.

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