Part 18

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You showered in the morning and examined the mark on your skin from where Yoongi bit you, the bruise a dark, mottled purple and tender to the touch. You frowned as you considered it, trying to decide what to do. You pulled on black skinny jeans first, then dug out an old turtle neck sweater - but it would be too warm in the bar for that. You shucked it off and grabbed a normal top, digging through a drawer to find a scarf. You wrapped it around your neck and stared at yourself in the mirror for a moment before ripping the scarf off and shoving it back into the drawer.

Fuck it. He put the mark there, he should have to look at it. And so be it if the rest of the bar saw as well, that was on him. You pulled your hair into a pony tail and changed into a v-neck T-shirt. Okay, maybe that was a bit much. You put your hair back down and let it hang freely, the blue locks falling past your shoulders. The mark was still there and very visible, but slightly less noticeable with your hair down. You nodded and headed out the door before you had a chance to lose your resolve.


Yoongi dressed for work and stood by his door, hesitating. He wanted to go meet her at the train station, but he felt like he needed to put some space between them, for his own sake. He was becoming too attached, and he knew he would just get his heart broken by another human if he got too deep. He sighed, pulling on his hoodie and tugging up the hood. But if he didn't meet her, it might send too much of a signal - he remembered how she had reacted the last time he wasn't there, and he didn't want her to hate him. He rested his hand on the doorknob. No. He tugged the hoodie off and hung it back up, leaving his ears in the open. He would meet her, but he wouldn't cover his ears. That way he wouldn't be tempted to touch her.

He nodded and headed out, hurrying to the train station. As soon as she arrived and stepped out into the open his nostrils flared as he smelled her. Fuck. The mark. He had nearly forgotten he bit her in his need filled haze last night, and he was now kicking himself for doing something so stupid. He could smell his claim on her from here, could see the dark bruise she wore openly on her neck as she walked toward him. His eyes flew wide and he pressed his lips closed, breathing heavily through his nose. She slowed as she reached him and raised an eyebrow as she walked, not stopping to chat. He hurried after her, falling into step next to her. He made himself shove his hands deep in his pockets, resisting the urge to touch her, to follow up on the claim he had laid on her skin.


They both started to speak at the same time, both of them quickly stopping just as suddenly when they heard the other person. She glanced at him and then looked away, pushing her hair behind her ear nervously. His eyebrows knitted together in thought as they walked. She hadn't even covered the mark up. What kind of message was she trying to send him, displaying it out in the open like that. They continued to the bar in silence, and when they reached it she headed back and poured him a drink, handing it to him like usual. He bit his tongue, avoiding making eye contact with her.

Now that they were in an enclosed space rather than outside the smell of his mark on her skin was overwhelming. It wasn't the same as if he had scented her - a scenting would just coat her in his smell, mixing both their scents together. Scenting normal for domestic hybrids. It was just for the hybrid, to make their human smell like them and to remove traces of any other hybrid or human smell from them. It was tame. The mark he had given her, however, wasn't the same. It made an obvious statement to any other hybrid that would be in the vicinity. It was a sharp scent, a version of his smell that emanated from her and made a very clear and specific statement - mine.

Yoongi's eyes flew wide suddenly as he realized exactly who would have something to say about that just as a very excitable young dog hybrid bounded through the doors-

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