Part 44

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Yoongi had only been sitting next to the bed for a few moments, trying not to focus on the plastic tube in her throat when there was a soft knock on the door and a nurse walked in holding plastic bags full of her things.

"Oh, hello," she said, greeting him with a soft smile. "You must be the family. She's a very strong girl, that injury was a bad one. I've got her things here," she said, setting the bags down. Yoongi's eyes caught on one of the bags, which held her favorite grey sneakers, now stained with dark blood. "We had to cut her clothes off, so I don't have those for you, I'm sorry."

"I understand. Could - could you pass me her phone? I don't have her mom's number in mine..." he asked, keeping his voice steady with effort.

"Oh, sure. Here you are," she responded, fishing out the device and passing it to him before heading back out of the room. Yoongi took it with a quiet thanks, the screen lighting up to show a picture she had taken of him a while ago, sitting at her old piano and scowling up at the camera.

He blinked hard and quickly unlocked the screen, opening the contacts to find her mother's number. He swiped over to favorites, but the only numbers there were his and Taehyung's. He swallowed thickly and went to the main contact list, finding the number listed as "mom". He stared at it for a moment, terrified of what he was about to do. He finally tapped on the call button and slowly raised the phone to his ear, swallowing hard against the lump in his throat.

"Hello?" Came a high voice from the other end of the phone. Yoongi opened his mouth, but no sound came out. "Hello? Sweetie, are you there?" The woman asked.

"Hello," he finally choked out, his voice deep and thick with emotion. "It's - it's Yoongi, ma'am," he said, covering his face with his other hand.

"Oh! Hello Yoongi! What is it, dear?" She asked, her voice sounding too happy for what he was about to tell her.

"It''s your daughter ma'am. There was...she's been..." Yoongi choked into a sob, covering his mouth to keep the noises in.

"Yoongi? What is it, what happened?" She asked, picking up on his tone and beginning to sound panicked. Yoongi took a deep breath, fresh tears tracking down his cheeks as he said the terrible words.

"She's hurt. We're at the hospital, you - you should come here."

She stayed on the line only long enough to get a few more details like which hospital and which floor before telling him that they would both be there as soon as they could and hanging up the call. Yoongi tossed the phone onto the table as soon as he hung it up and leaned over, clutching her hand again in both his and sobbing until he had no more tears.

A couple hours later the hospital door flew open and in rushed her mother. She ran straight to the bed, looking down at her daughter and covered her mouth as tears came into her eyes. Yoongi stood slowly, looking at her through his red and swollen eyes, biting his lip. She turned to him and pulled him quickly into a tight hug, the top of her head barely coming to his chin but he hugged her back just as tightly as she tried not to cry.

"Oh, Yoongi what happened to my baby girl?" she asked him desperately, pulling back and looking up at him. Yoongi opened and closed his mouth, shaking his head. He heard a noise from the doorway and his head snapped to it. He hadn't even noticed that her father was standing there until he made himself known. He was standing in the doorway staring at his daughter in shock, his gray eyes wide and showing an emotion Yoongi had never seen in them before. He glanced up from her finally and locked eyes with the cat who was slowly dropping his arms from her mother.

Yoongi lowered his head and faced the man, staring at the floor and clenching his jaw.

"I'm sorry sir," he said, his voice quiet and full of emotion.

"Why-" the man began, his voice breaking. He cleared his throat and paused for a moment, inhaling through his nose before looking back at the hybrid. "Why are you sorry Yoongi?" He asked.

"I didn't - I couldn't protect her. I wasn't there and she needed me," Yoongi said, bringing his hands up to cover his face in shame. "You were right...I'm not good enough for her."

The man took a deep breath and stepped into the room, clenching his hands into fists at his sides. "Tell us what happened."

"I'm not sure," Yoongi said softly, quiet tears dripping from his eyes directly to the floor as he hung his head, still feeling ashamed to face her parents when he had allowed her to be hurt so badly. "We had just finished up a shift at the bar. She told me to wait for her outside she - she always does because it's h-hot in there and she'll only be a s-second and-" Yoongi's crying had picked up and he began to gasp through tiny sobs at the end of his phrase. Her mom placed a hand on his arm, leaning to peer into his face.

"Just breathe Yoongi. Take your time," she told him softly. Yoongi didn't want to just mechanically run through what he had told the cops again, he wanted them to understand. So he took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself before he continued. He nodded.

"So I was outside. It was barely longer than normal, she should have been out any second I was just about to yell at her to hurry up," he said, running his fingers through his hair. "As a joke, of course, not real yelling," he said quickly, looking up at them before continuing. "But then I heard the gun go off and - I panicked. I ran in but there was no one. And then -" Yoongi's eyes went wide as he remembered the sight of her on the floor, the blood everywhere and he had to stop speaking to sob loudly again. His voice was so hoarse from all this crying, his lips were cracked and dry and his eyes felt dry despite the nearly constant stream of tears. "There was so much blood," he murmured. Her mother was staring at him in horror, tears shining in her eyes as she covered her open mouth with one hand. "I tried to stop it I put pressure on it but she wasn't responding to me and I was so scared-"

"Yoongi," a deep voice cut him off. He looked up to see her father staring at him, emotion shining in his eyes. "You did well." The man reached his large hand out slowly and clasped Yoongi's shoulder with it, squeezing as he stared into his eyes, the slate gray color cutting through him. Yoongi's lips parted in surprise as he looked up at the man.

"Yoongi sweetie why don't you go home and rest," her mother said, placing a hand on his forearm. Yoongi shook his head quickly.

"No, I can't. I won't leave her," he insisted, moving to sit back in his chair next to the bed. She nodded in understanding.

"Have you eaten?" She asked, the man slowly moving to sit on the other side of the bed, his eyes now trained back on his daughter's face. Yoongi shook his head. "Well, I'm going to find the cafeteria and get some food then. I'll be back," she said, hurrying out of the room.

"Yes dear," the man said softly. Yoongi didn't respond, gathering the girl's limp hand back in his and pressing his forehead to it, resting his elbows on his knees. Her mother returned a short time later with a sandwich and a large bottle of water and made him consume both, finally sitting down when he had done so.

"Thank you," Yoongi whispered.

"Someone has to take care of you," she chuckled, ruffling his hair, an affectionate smile dancing on her lips. "My daughter always did have good taste."

Yoongi let a small smile dance on his lips. He imagined how she would react if she had heard, rolling her eyes but smiling all the same, that way she was always mean first and then suddenly sweet as if she couldn't help it. He thought he didn't have any tears left - turns out he was wrong. He hoped she would wake up soon.

 He hoped she would wake up soon

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