Part 15

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As an apology for being late, whether she really cared or not, Yoongi played her a piece by Debussy before coming to the bar for his break at eight. There was a glass of top shelf whiskey sitting on the bar for him, but she wasn't there.

"Where's y/n, pup?" He asked Taehyung. The dog hybrid just shrugged and gestured toward the hallway that led to the restrooms and staff area. Yoongi left the drink on the bar and turned, heading for the hall. He sniffed the air, following her scent to the ladies room. He frowned at the closed door. Why would she leave the bar right at eight? He hesitated, smelling the air to see if there was anyone else in the restroom. When he could only smell her he braced his hand on the door, pushing it open slowly.

She stood with her hands braced against the sink, her head drooping. When she heard the door open she glanced over, groaning and rolling her eyes when she saw it was him.

"What do you want Yoongi, this is the ladies room," she said, her voice sounding angry and annoyed. He leaned against the door so no one else could come in, his arms crossed and his tail twitching behind him in annoyance.

"I want you to explain what the fuck your problem is tonight," he growled, getting irritated as her attitude rubbed at his last nerve.

"Just fuck off," she mumbled, turning away from him. That was the last straw. He pushed off the door and lunged over, grabbing her arm and making her face him.

"No! You can't be this hot and cold with me - last night you kissed me and now you're-"

"Exactly!" She said, breaking his grip on her and throwing her hands up. "Last night I kiss you and today you're not there. So I assume you are avoiding me because you wish I hadn't kissed you, right? I just thought since you-" she said, her voice was beginning to get thick and her eyes were shining and he cut her off, suddenly afraid of what she would say.

"Stop! I'm sorry, okay? I wasn't avoiding you, I just - I had to work at the bakery today so I was kinda pressed for time," he said, drawing back and rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Look, you can be mad at me for being annoying and stuck up if you want to, but don't be mad because you think I don't like you. A-alright?" He said, glancing up at her awkwardly. She looked slightly surprised but she just sniffed and nodded.

"Sorry for being a bitch," she said softly, looking down at her hands, her blue hair falling across her face.

"I'm used to it princess," he said, making her look up at him. He gave her a playful smile and headed back out to the piano.


When you returned to the bar, Taehyung was looking at you curiously.

"What happened?" He asked, his big eyes blinking at you.

"What do you mean?" You asked, clearing your throat and making yourself busy.

"Yoongi hyung asked where you went and then he followed you and...did you talk to him?" He sniffed the air, curiously.

"Stop smelling me! Yes, I talked to him," you said, throwing an annoyed glance at the dog.

"You guys are fighting today," he said plainly.

"We're not fighting," you said, scowling. Taehyung just shook his head in confusion, not bothering to press the matter. Yoongi came to the bar at ten and drank the whiskey you had poured for him earlier, watching as the two of you wiped everything down and got the bar ready for the late shift.

"Did you even hear my Debussy for you earlier?" He murmured softly to you when you came near.

"Of course I did, you're drinking good whiskey aren't you?" You replied, blushing slightly. He just smirked and set the now empty glass down before heading back to get ready for the late shift. You and Tae were chatting behind the bar at five to eleven when he came back out and you fell silent when you saw him walking toward the bar, your mouth dropping open slightly.

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