Part 14

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Yoongi cursed himself as he walked away, shoving his hands deep in his pockets. He couldn't believe he had done that, he didn't know what had come over him - she just looked so pretty standing there in the moonlight, his scent hanging faintly on her skin, his shirt stretched tightly across her body, and he had felt an overwhelming need to kiss her. He knew he was getting in too deep and he would only end up hurt, but he couldn't seem to help himself.

He reached his apartment and sighed deeply as soon as he opened the door. Her smell had lingered throughout the place and he walked straight to his bedroom, stripping off his work clothes and crawling into his bed in just his underwear, wrapping himself in the blankets and breathing deeply. He smiled as he drifted to sleep with her scent surrounding him.


You woke the next day and stretched, studying yourself in the mirror in the bathroom. You decided you would take care of your hair before work that day, it was getting on your nerves so you headed out to pick up some color. You chose blue this time - your hair had been purple for a while and you were ready for a change. You washed out the dye when you had finished and dried it, pleased with the result. You dressed for work, searching for Yoongi's beanie, but you must have left it at his place the night before as you couldn't find it in your apartment. You shrugged and dressed in ripped black jeans and a plain white T-shirt to show off your new hair, pulling on your denim jacket as you headed out.

When you walked out of the train station you found him waiting there for you, dressed in his usual all black dinner outfit, looking a little chilly with no jacket. He was looking at you in surprise, his eyes slightly widened and his lips parted.

"Your's different," he said when you reached him.

"Yep," you agreed, waiting for him to turn toward the bar, but he was just staring at you with his ears cocked and his mouth open. " you like it?" You asked, feeling awkward as he just kept looking at you.

"It's blue," he said, a slight awe in his voice and his hand reached up as if he wanted to touch it but he quickly withdrew it instead, shaking his head. "What? No, I don't like it. Just hair," he responded, turning away and heading off. You just rolled your eyes and followed after him.

"Can't say anything nice, can you alley cat," you said, falling into step next to him and he just grunted in response. You reached for his hand but he pulled it away quickly, shoving his hands into his pockets and clearing his throat awkwardly. You blinked at him, feeling slightly hurt. You just thought...after you held hands the last couple of days and he kissed your cheek like that last night...

"Sorry," he mumbled, glancing at you and looking back at the ground. "I forgot to wear my hoodie," he said, gesturing toward his ears.

"What?" You asked, frowning in confusion and wondering what his hoodie has to do with anything. He huffed out a sigh.

"We-we can't hold hands today - because - I didn't wear my hoodie. I don't have any way to hide my ears," he said, sounding slightly angry. You furrowed your brow, still feeling confused.

"I don't understand Yoongs," you said, shaking your head slightly. "I wanna hold hands, my fingers are cold. See?" You said, giggling as you reached out and pressed your icy fingers to his neck, making him gasp at your cold touch and jerk away, scowling at you and flattening his ears as you pulled your hand back, laughing. He didn't relent though, keeping his hands shoved deep in his pockets until the two of you reached the bar.

After he had finished his drink and headed to the piano you turned to Taehyung, frowning at him in confusion. "Hey, Tae - Yoongi said he couldn't hold my hand today because he didn't have any way to hide his ears. But - I don't understand what that has to do with anything. Was he just making up an excuse not to touch me?" you said with a frown. Tae blinked his big eyes at you.

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