Part 3

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Yoongi rapped his knuckles on the bar, raising an eyebrow meaningfully at Tae who just stared back cluelessly. The girl huffed and gently elbowed the dog out of the way, grabbing a glass and the bottle of whiskey to pour him a drink. When he had first crossed to the bar on his break earlier he had realized the new girl was the source of the smell that had distracted him. He was intrigued by everything about her - her scent, her musical knowledge and seeming insecurity, her colorful hair, even her attitude made him want to know more about her. She set the glass roughly in front of him and he raised his eyebrow in response.

"You've got a bit of an attitude don't you?" He asked raising the glass to his lips and swallowing the drink. When he looked back at her she was scowling and he had to stop himself from snorting at her cute features arranged in an angry glare. He set his glass down and she refilled it, biting the inside of her cheek angrily. "So are you always this unpleasant or is it just today?" He asked, picking his glass back up.

"Maybe it's because I have to deal with a smartass 'musical genius' cat," she said, using air quotes and then putting the whiskey bottle away. "Or maybe I'm just a bitch and you should leave me alone," she spat before storming off to the other end of the bar. Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle as she walked away.

"So you're saying you think I'm a genius?" He called after her cheekily. He glanced over at Taehyung who was blinking his huge eyes at the cat slowly.

"I can't decide if I like her or if she scares me," the young hybrid said softly. Yoongi chuckled and finished his second drink, watching her lean against the far end of the bar, looking annoyed.

"She definitely doesn't scare me," the cat said with a smirk. He finally tore his eyes away from her and headed across the room to get his equipment running.


You glared at his back as he walked away, arms crossed over your chest. Annoying narcissistic cat. You huffed as patrons started to enter and the late shift began. The place was packed as the night wore on and you and Tae ran all night, pouring drink after drink as the cat played music, the throbbing bass rattling the bottles on the shelves. When the shift finally ended Tae spotted his owner waiting by the door to take him home and skipped over to him, waving at you over his shoulder. "Bye y/n, see you tomorrow!" You waved back, putting on your coat and scarf before trudging to the door yourself.

When you stepped outside you found the dark cat leaning against the wall there. He pushed off it when you came out and shuffled over to you. You scowled at him and turned away, heading down the sidewalk in the direction of the train station. He chuckled and followed you, his hands shoved in his pockets. You noticed he was following you and stopped, turning back to him.

"What are you doing?" You demanded, standing still on the sidewalk.

"Walking you home," he said in a bored voice, as if it was obvious. "You're a girl alone and it's after dark," he continued. You scowled in reply.

"I think I can handle myself," You sneered, turning and continuing down the sidewalk. He rolled his eyes and continued after you. "Stop following me!" You said, stopping again.

"No," was his only reply.

"Look," You huffed, "I'm just going to the train station and then I live really close to my stop. So thank you, but I'll be fine." He considered for a moment before he kept walking.

"I'll at least take you to the train station. Come on," he said. You sighed in defeat and followed after him. He walked a couple steps ahead of you in silence, his hands shoved into his pockets. You watched his back, his muscular shoulders straining against the fabric of his shirt. You shook your head, forcing yourself to look elsewhere. His silky black tail swished in front of you so you watched that instead, fascinated by the soft hairs and the lithe movement. As if he felt your eyes he suddenly slowed a bit and fell into step next to you instead. He glanced over at you. "So what did you think?"

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