The tale of Frenzy's demise continued then, leading to the robot decapitating itself with its own weapon. The three teens got a good laugh out of that, having not forgiven the little Devil-spawn for its antics at their first meeting. It was their just desserts and they relished in its glorious taste, but had to push their meal aside when their own story was asked. It was told in parts, Sam giving his first, Mikeala second, and lastly Catherine related her side. She found there was more pain than she expected in her tale, and she had to pause more than once to find the right words to describe what she had seen. She didn't tell everything, though. She made sure to leave out the part where she had seen all those wonderful, impossible things. Sam hadn't spoken of them either, she realized, and she began to wonder if he really had seen them.

Regardless, their tale was taken with as much excitement and victorious cheers as their audiences' had been. Even Simmons regarded them with more respect than she would have thought possible from him. He surprised her even further by standing and clasping hands with all three of them, calling them good kids, and to her he added that she was "right". Catherine couldn't help but smile and nod, knowing exactly what he meant. He returned to his seat after that, but the talk was put on hold as more visitors and familiar faces appeared: Lennox, Epps, and the rest of the soldiers.

They were welcomed with cheers, too, which they took with tired smiles before finally collapsing onto the couches and chairs in the room, their energy spent. Catherine wasn't surprised, and even asked if Lennox—who had plopped down beside her on a two-seater—was tired. He told her she had no idea before staring up calls for water and something to eat. They got just that with a single order from Tom and Simmons and more; medics were summoned to check out their wounds as well.

Once everything had been tended to, the relief finally, really set in to all them, and suddenly everything was wonderful. There was laughter and tears and silence as some pressed their heads into their hands. The sheer fact they were alive finally hit them; they had gone through Hell, facing metal titans capable of killing them with a flick of a finger and lived. They had witness the coming of something great—something few humans had ever or would ever realize and they were still part of it, but most of all: they were alive. They would see their loved ones again; would touch them and wrap their arms around them; kiss them and hold them tight.

And no one was thought less of in that room for whatever their relief made of them. Rather, they were considered brother and sister of an event that had placed its mark upon them in some way. Though they might not see each other again or come to know one another as such, that comradeship would forever be there and they would remember it. They would remember those tears and that laughter and the pure, happy relief that flooded through them.

Once it had finally settled and they'd composed themselves, the group began to disperse where they felt they should; both Lennox and Epps left to make calls; some of the soldiers began to talk of what they were going to do once they got home; Simmons left to speak with Tom; Maggie and Glenn found peace talking amongst themselves; and Catherine, Sam, and Mikeala moved off to their own corner. There was an unmistakable need for the three of them to do so, but for what they couldn't have been sure. Simply sitting on a couch in the corner was what it took to satiate it, though. They took comfort in each other's company, Sam intertwining his fingers with Mikeala's as she leaned on him, and Catherine leaning her own head against his shoulder, just like they used to.

And for a good long while, that was enough.




Catherine eyes opened slowly at first, and then widened as she realized she had fallen asleep. She didn't even recall dreaming, but it must not have been for long because the others were still talking in their groups, although some had shifted and looked more relaxed. Something moves on her shoulder and she found it was Sam's arm, draped over her. She smiled and instinctively curled her head into his bicep, still warm from where she had been lying. It only lasted a few seconds before she realized what she was doing, flushed, and shifted so that her shoulders leaned against it instead of her head. She looked over and found Mikeala and Sam were asleep, too, the dark-haired girl's head snuggled against his chest, while his head was leaning on hers.

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