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"Who was that?!"

Taehyung flinched. It had happened again. It had been a while but now everything played again. All the suffer, the repressed emotions, it was difficult for Taehyung to bare it. Jimin was jealous. He wasnt just jealous, he had been raging. Anger was nearly dripping out of every cell in his worked up nody, while glaring daggers at every person they had passed by. Swallowing and only with care he approached the older, who had slammed the door to the apartment shut, as soon as he and Taehyung got home from school. Hating himself for his voice shaking with fear and his wobbling knees, the brown tried to speak up against the wave of threats crashing down on him. "Jimin I-"

"I asked who that was!"

"A CLASSMATE I HAVE TO WORK WITH IN A PROJECT!".Unaware of why he screamed or how he fought down the lumb in his throat, Taehyung once more tried to get closer to the raging male. Probably because he knew Jimin wouldnt let him speak and only get more angry if he'd try to explain, or in his eyes tried to make excuses. Skinship was one of the blonds favourites,Taehyung knew, why he was now slinging his arms around the others body. "Please Jimin calm down." The closeness was terrifying. What was Jimin going to do? How will he react?Taehyung relaxed as a pair of arms wrapped around his slim waist, gently pulling him closer. " I don't care baby. Stay the fuck away from him. I don't like how he is looking at you that bastard has some nerves." Despite how Jimin was spatting insults and his voice was demading, Taehyung couldn't help but to chuckle.

"I only love you and you know that."

Unsure from where those words came from the brown haired nuzzled up to Jimin, who was now smiling again. "I know baby. I'm sorry for yelling at you." Taehyung had enough time to observe Jimin's reactions. Knowing what will calm him and what he wanted to hear. How to make the older fall for his act and get himself out of danger. It weren't Taehyungs real thoughts but he couldnt care less. Since he observed how Jimin in his anger forgot to lock the entrance door. Something he would usually do. Therefore the tall decided to push the bar even more.

"Its alright. But daddy I'm hungry."

A gentle kiss there. Some more playful fake whines and Jimin was standing in the kitchen. A big smile was plstered on his face as he was stirring his baby boy's favourite food. Jimin couldn't be happier. Taehyung was finally willingly calling him daddy. Was finally responding to his touches ans even indicated some of them himself. If Jimin would share his feelings for the other he would get a reply and since a couple of days he wouldnt wake up to his loved one silently crying at night. Happiness overflowed the olders body, in the strong believe that Taehyung would have forgive him what he has done up until now. But little did he know.

"Taehyung! Food is ready. Go sit down." He gently called out.

Frowning after setting the plate up he made his way towards Taehyungs room. Since the younger didnt respond even after the third time of calling him in a rather serious voice, Jimin decided to start a search. It didnt happen rarely that Taehyung would just fall asleep or listen to music, loud enough for him to be deaf to everything surrounding him. It was possible that he just didnt hear Jimin's voice through the shut door the latter opened, to peek inside. But the room was empty along with an untouched bed and no single trace of his lover. Only adding up to feeling, coiling in Jimin's stomach, the the tall was nowhere to be found in the entire flat. Jimin started to panic. Worry spread through his faintly trembling body and angst. The blond haired male was anxious. He didnt knew where Taehyung could have went. He didnt knew what the student would do, know that he snug his way out into freedom. In pure horror Jimin's eyes where locked onto the closed entrance door. What a smart boy he had. Planning exactly how to take advantage of his feelings. Lauging Jimin threw his head back. Everything was clear in front of him.

"It seems like its true. Love is blinding. But don't think you're the only smart one baby boy. Dont think you could hide from me."

Already knowing where the young would go Jimin rushed down the stairs and stormed down streets. A wicked smile crossing his face as the rage boiled up within him. My stupid stupid baby . It seems like daddy has to teach you a lesson after all.

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