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"Can I sleep at your place?"

Nighttime in the still busy streets of Seoul. Several lights where shining as the air filled up with different aromas of food whenever you passed by a restaurant. But Taehyung's mind was letting everything fade around him. Everything, except of Jimin. The request of the male had been nothing more than a whisper but still repeated loudly in Taehyung's head.

Jimin's face seem to burn out of embarrassed like he was about to melt into the floor. "Why do You..." With his shaky small hands Jimin reached out his phone to him, allowing Taehyung to read the message he received.

Namjoon: I'll stay at Hoseok's make yourself comfortable

During the conversation earlier Taehyung knew that Jimin was Namjoon's cousin living underneath his roof. But he wasn't getting why the message was a problem which was stopping Jimin from sleeping at his. The older put his phone back in his pocket looking Taehyung for the first time right in the eyes, which was taking him aback. "I-I d-don't have a-a key." Jimin stammered fidgeting with the sleeves of his pullover. It was adorable to look at. A warm feeling spread in Taehyung's chest he somehow wanted to protect that boy even though he didn't know him.

Right I don't know him. The realization hit him like a truck. How could he forget about that? "I'll call Hoseok maybe you stay with them." Quickly taking dialing Hoseok's number as he couldn't take the intense stare of the male anymore. There was just this look in his black orbits which was making him feel guilty for rejecting him. "Hyung could Jimin stay at yours?" Taehyung blurred out right after the older picked up.

Sighing he ended the call after Hoseok explained to him that the flat he was living in was way too small for three people and Namjoon was already asleep and Hoseok wasn't aware where his key's where. "Alright you can stay at my place." Sighing Taehyung tugged his phone back as he got up. The expression of the blond changed into a relieved one. "Really? Thank you so much." Tipsy Jimin got up as well. It seems like the alcohol had an effect on him after all. On their way out of the restaurant the smaller clinched onto Taehyung's arm for support. Even though the taller was feeling a little uncomfortable with a stranger holding onto his arm he didn't got sidetracked by the fact. I don't want to take the train. Should we just call a cab?

Shortly after both of them sat in a taxi next to each other. Jimin's head was leaning against the window. Amazed he had looked out to observe the nightlife of Seoul. Times to times Taehyung peeked over questioning how Jimin must think of his new surroundings. Namjoon told him that Jimin wasn't actually living here. "Jimin wake up." Taehyung slightly shook Jimin's shoulder as they arrived in front of a big building. But the older was deep asleep due to the consume of beer. Impatiently the driver taps his finger on the wheel, pressuring the brown haired.

I guess I have no other choice. Carrying Jimin safely in his arms Taehyung watched the driver speeding down the further street. Sighing he looked down once more at the angelic face of the small human body he was holding. The male had instantly tugged onto the fabric of Taehyung's shirt cuddling a little up. It was more of a reflex, yet it was cute. Taehyung found himself smiling a little while he carried Jimin upstairs to his apartment. Struggling a little with unlocking the door, it took him some time to open it. But somehow, he managed and carefully placed the stranger's body onto the only bed he had. "I'll just sleep on the couch." Taehyung mumbled to himself after he tugged the older in. A tiered smile crossed his face.

"Sleep well Jimin."

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