17: Revealing the News

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"This isn't a good idea," I informed Mark as he set up the stuff he needed for a quick stream. I rested my chin on his shoulder as he finished typing out the title ('updates n stuff').

"What are you talking about?" He asked, sounding jokingly offended. "All of my ideas are great ideas!" I raised an eyebrow, jerking my head back so I could see him fully. I must have moved my head a little too fast, because I could feel my head go kind of dizzy. I blinked hard and took a deep breath, and the feeling went away.

"Tell me again how you ended up nearly breaking your arm in sixth grade?" I asked, giving a purposeful look. He opened his mouth while grinning, and I knew he was about to make up some complete nonsense.

"I was on the verge of... Scientific discovery."

"M-hm," I humored him for a moment, "Discovery of gravity, since you jumped off the roof? I think Isaac had that one covered." Mark chuckled.

"I was helping," He said, still clicking away at the computer, and I just shook my head.

"Sure you were." I patted his shoulder, and he leaned into my hand so that my whole arm slid around his shoulders. I looked at him again, shaking my head (again).

"Smooth, huh?" He asked, looking mighty proud of himself.

"As butter," I said, and he turned back to his computer.

"Hey stream," He said, and I turned to the computer.

"How long has this been up?" I asked through a laugh. I saw the chat flooding with hello messages.

"Long enough," Mark answered cryptically. "I wanted to show chat how cool I am. I'm cool, right chat?" The chat flooded with different versions of 'no'.

"Wha-Hey! What do you mean, no?" Mark pretended to be offended, and I had to laugh.

"I think you're cool," I assured him, and he grinned proudly at the camera.

"See, chat? She thinks I'm cool, and that I'm the most lovely person to ever be cool, ever." He looked back at me for confirmation, and I laughed aloud.

"The coolest, most loveliest," I confirmed.

"True," He promised, and the two of us dissolved into laughter.

"Hey for real this time, chat," Mark greeted again, "How is going?" Goods and greats flooded the chat, and I smiled.

"Good!" I responded. "I'm good, Mark's good, we're all good. What a good start."

"For those of you who don't know," Mark added, "This is my girlfriend (Y/N). We're going to be talking about some updates-" He stopped talking, beginning to smile and trying not to laugh as the chat flooded with a collective 'girlfriend?!'. Mark shrugged, pretending like it was no big deal.

"Yeah, this is my girlfriend," He said, reading through chat as fast as he could, "No, this isn't the update. That's about the tour, no big deal- yes, we're going on tour-" He ran out of breath, and I laughed.

"He's being serious, though, Mark's going on tour, guys!" I confirmed. The chat absolutely exploded with questions, and Mark and I took turns answering. Well, he did most of the answering and I read the questions out, since I didn't know much about it.

"I'll just be happy to be there with everybody," I answered. Someone had asked what I'll do if I won't be on stage with the boys.

"And we'll be happy to have you," Mark said with a genuine smile. I smiled back at him, holding in a laugh as I saw chat going mad out of the corner of my eye.


"So, what wasn't a good idea?" Mark asked as he shut his computer down. I rubbed my temples, closing my eyes as I leaned back into the chair.

"Hmm?" I asked, and I heard him stop typing.

"Earlier, before we started stream, you were talking about something not being a good idea. What were you talking about? And are you okay?" His last question sounded more urgent, so I cracked my eyes open.

"Do I not look okay?" I asked.

"You look like you're not feeling well," He explained, and I nodded.

"I felt kind of off just before stream started, and I've had a headache for, like, half an hour. But don't worry, I'm going to go home and get some tea and it'll be fine." Mark pouted.

"Why didn't you tell me? We could have shut stream off early. And why can't you stay here and let me make you some tea?" He offered, and I conceded.

"I didn't mention it because I wasn't really thinking about it, and it's not really that bad. And actually, some tea would be lovely. But you can't make me a ridiculous amount to make me stay here longer, you know; I have to go home eventually." Mark had a habit of doing that sort of thing.

"Don't you want to stay with me?" He asked, more seriously. His attention was fully on me now. I sat up, fully opening my eyes.

"Of course I do," I said, "I love hanging out with you. But I know that taking care of a sick person is sort of time-consuming. You'd never say it, but I'm getting in your way, and I don't want to do that."

"You are doing no such thing," Mark said, gathering me up in his arms, "Don't put words in my mouth. I love taking care of you, actually, and I adore having someone around to talk do, doubly so if it's you." He proceeded to princess-carry me out of the office and into the living room. I smiled, closing my eyes and realizing how tired I truly was. I leaned into Mark's chest and breathed in the warm pine scent, suddenly satisfied despite my aches and tiredness.

I felt him gently put me down, and without opening my eyes, I recognized the material of the couch against my skin. Mark draped a blanket over me, promising he'd back back in a few minutes with my tea. I nodded, thanking him twice before he left and snuggling deeper into the couch cushions. I heard him shuffling around in the kitchen, pulling things out of the fridge and moving dinnerware around. The gentle sounds of domesticity nearly put me right to sleep, and the warm smell of cinnamon flooding the apartment was not helping. I had no idea what he was making, but it smelled so incredible, and it was the last thing I clearly remember before drifting off to sleep.

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