6: My Ray of Sunshine

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Mark's POV

"Pollyanna Cheryl Rivera, I cannot believe what you just did." I fumed.

"Ah, come on Marko! She'll be fine." Cheryl laughed. How could she be so okay with hurting the love of my life?

"She'll be just as fine as I am right now. Which is not fine at all." I stood up and began to pace in front of my couch.

"Okay, okay, since you care so much. I just did a little social... Experiment, you could say. And she performed beautifully." My eyes widened in rage.

"You used my best friend as your test monkey?" My voice got significantly louder.

"Well, no. I just... Acted more loving toward you to see if she got jealous. And she did, which means she's totally into you." Cheryl stated.

"Che- Pollyanna, I asked you to come here just to see if you thought she liked me-"

"-And she does." I shoot her a look before continuing.

"-I did not ask you to make her jealous! I can't believe... That's why you were acting so strange? You were pretending to be my girlfriend to make her jealous? What on Earth is wrong with you?" I'm insanely close to yelling right now.

"Come on... Don't get mad at me! We'll always be Marko and Pollo, right?" She tried to play the guilt card by bringing back our childhood nicknames, but I'm not having it.

"Sure, Cheryl. But family doesn't do that kind of crap to family. You're my cousin, Pollyanna. Not my girlfriend. And now, you've got (Y/N) thinking otherwise." I am highly upset.

"Mark, come on. You're over reacting."

"I'm overreacting? Are you kidding me, Cheryl? (Y/N) probably hates me. And for an invalid reason. She really thought that we were dating." I sit down and slap my head in my hands. "What if she never comes back?" I asked, suddenly afraid.

I can't lose one of the best things that's ever happened to me.

"Mark Edward, are you for real? She's in love with you. That's why I had to act like your girlfriend. If she got mad, then it'd be obvious that she likes you. But she loves you, Mark. And she knows you almost better than I do. You two grew up together. You cannot and will not let 27 years of best friendship slip away because you think she hates you. And maybe... Maybe I shouldn't have done that. I'm so, so sorry, Marko. But you can't let her slip away. If anything, she hates me, not you, and for good reason. So go talk to her. And she's probably on an emotional ride right now, so don't expect her to open up to you right away... If she even decides to open her door. This might seem dramatic, but this is coming from a girl. I know how we think. So get the heck out of here and go talk to her. Even if she doesn't open and you're talking to a door, at least she'll know that... That you care." I stared at my cousin, appalled at this side of her I've never seen.

"Thank you, Cheryl." I hugged my cousin, and she hugged back.

"I'm going to go now. Go talk to her. Let her know how you feel." And with that, Cheryl smiled, grabbed her purse, and left my house.

Time Skip, Your POV

I'm trying to smooth out the wrinkles on this page. I've written Mrs. (Y/N) Fishbach on it so many times in the last hour, but my tears have made half of it illegible. That's okay though- I would have scratched out the 'Fischbach' part anyway, since obviously that's how Mark wants it, but since I can't read it through my tears, I don't have to waste my effort scratching it out. The water makes the paper fold and pucker, so it's getting harder to write. I'm about to write it for the 28th time when I hear the doorbell ring. I got up, expecting it to be... Anybody but Mark. But my hand was on the doorknob when I heard someone say,

"It's Mark." My hand drew back from the doorknob as if it had been on fire. I think Mark heard me release the doorknob, because I heard him sigh and run his hands through his hair. I wasn't about to let him in, though. Not yet, anyway. I turn my back to the door and slide down the wall until I was sitting against the door, waiting for him to continue.

"I just want you to know... That you are so important to me. And I love you." A new lake of saltwater tears has formed on my face. I cried harder as I felt Mark sit down on the other side if the door and place his back where mine is.

"You want to know when I knew for sure that I loved you? That day when you walked out of the hospital for the last time. When you were 22, remember? I've never seen you look so... Alive and free as on that day. When you came barreling toward me and pummeled me in a hug, I just knew. You were, and still are, My One and Only. You're just so perfect to me... The way you play with your hair when you're under stress, and you look at the ground when you're feeling bashful, and you shuffle your feet when you're embarrassed. The ring of your laughter... You can tell when your laughter is real because it has a ring to it. How your smile seems to light up your whole face, and your bright (E/C) eyes light up when you have an idea. How happy you get when you talk about something you love, and how you try so hard to act like you're okay all the time, even though you can't be Superwoman forever. I just want you to know that I'm here for you. I'm always here, no matter what. And I've always loved you. Cheryl isn't my girlfriend, she's my cousin. There's a reason why I've never dated before... You're the only one I want to be with. So let me tell you this- I love you with all my heart and soul, and you are an amazing woman. I don't know how I was so lucky as to have you by my side for the past 27 years, but it happened and I'm so grateful. I wouldn't want it any other way." I got up off the ground, and I made sure Mark had gotten up before I flung my door open.

And there he stood, tears streaming down his face and yet he's still the most beautiful man I've ever seen. I grab a fistful of Mark's shirt and pull him into my house. I shut the door, turn around, and wrap my arms around him. His scent is so familiar... Warm cinnamon and fresh air.

"(Y/N), will you be mine?" Mark asked me. I nodded into his shirt and said,

"You don't know how long I've waited for to hear you say those words. Of course I will be yours." I pulled away from him to stare into his warm brown eyes, glossy from shed tears. 

"I love you so much, (Y/N)."

"I love you too, Mark."

Mark took my hands and there we stood, at my front door, appreciating each other. I'd stolen his heart and he's stolen mine. And neither one of us is returning the other's heart anytime soon.

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