1: When I See You Again

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I am excited, to say the least.

I finally get to see Mark again! For the first time in a long time, I won't have to talk to him over the phone. When he moved to L.A. for his YouTube stuff, I was happy for him. But now I'm moving to L.A. to continue my work as an animator, and I couldn't be happier. It's setting in as I am on the plane; my life is about to change a whole lot, and all for the better. A huge, random smile makes it's way onto my face and I don't even stop it. Saying goodbye to my family was hard, obviously, but I promised to visit them soon. Today, I am focused on moving my stuff into my apartment. It was all at Mark's house, anyway. We live in the same apartment complex, only rooms apart on our floor! He offered to help me move in, and he wasn't really offering anyway. He was telling me that he was going to help.


I had trouble grabbing my last suitcase off the conveyor belt. This one was the biggest, and the heaviest. I was struggling to pull it off when I heard someone say behind me,

"Let me help you with that." That voice, smooth and confident. I turned around and there he was. Hair now red after being black, pink, and blue, same glasses, same quirky smile, same sharp jawline, same perfect build, same pools of chocolate brown eyes... What?

"Mark!" With a huge smile, I grabbed him in a hug. He dropped my suitcase and squeezed me back tightly. We both pulled away with smiles on our faces.

"It's so great to see you again!" I cried.

His eyes were sparkling as he replied, "You don't know the half of it. How are you?" We continued our usual small talk for awhile.

"I can't believe you're finally here! Let's get to the building so we can move you in," Mark said. I nodded in agreement, and we each grabned one of my suitcases and headed for the exits.


"Well,  that's the last of it." Mark declared as he set the last brown box down on my wood floor.

"Well, that's the last box. Now I have to actually unpack."

"I?" Mark asked. "You mean we." So for the next three hours,  Mark and I unpacked about 80% of my stuff. Kitchen, living room... All the main rooms are done. Mark is helping me unpack boxes in my bedroom while I decorate. I'm hanging a framed picture of us on the wall when I hear him tear open a new box.

"Hey,  what is all this?" Mark asked. I turned around, and he was holding a stack of notebooks, with 'NOTES' written across the front of each book. These books are my lifeline- I write whatever I feel like in it at least once a day, and have been doing so since I was 16 and in the hospital. Anything I feel like. Which means plenty of 'Mrs. (Y/N) Fishbach' have been written in there.

"Oh,  those are just my journals. I write and draw in them a lot." On the outside, I'm nonchalant. On the inside, I'm freaking out. He would be scared away if he ever saw what was in there. Every diary entry,  every bit of fan art...  Everything is in there. Looking interested, Mark asked,

"Okay, where do you want them?" He had sifted through all the notebooks,  not seeming to believe they all had simply notes inside.

"Just put them on the desk over there. Please." I said, carefully watching him as he put the notebooks on the desk. Without even looking at me, Mark said,

"(Y/N), you can stop watching me. I didn't look in your notebooks... Chill." We both laughed, and when we calmed down, I said,

"Well, Mark, it's kind of late." I smiled as a confused look made it's way onto his face.

"It isn't late, it's only about 2:40 p.m." Mark said.

"Yeah. That's almost upload time for you." I commented.

"OH, SHOOT! I need to go upload! Thanks for reminding me, (Y-" He paused his running out of my house to slowly turn around. "How'd you know that it's close to uploading time?" He asked, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Really, Mark? You didn't expect your best friend to keep up with your YouTube channel? I just might be your biggest fan of all time. I was your first subscriber, after all. I knew you since before even pink-haired Markimoo came along." By now, a full blown smile had taken over my best friend's face, almost blinding me with how white his teeth are. I only gave him 2 minutes to obsess over the fact that I keep up with his channel before shooing him home to upload.

Time Skip, Mark's POV

The door swung open 5 seconds after I knocked. 

"Hey Mark! Come on in. Did you upload?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yeah, I did. Gotta keep the timing in check."

"Can't keep the fangirls waiting!" She laughed as we plopped down on her couch. I looked around at her house, marveling at how much work we got done in such a short space of time.

"Dude, your house looks amazing. Hard to believe no one lived here 7 hours ago." I said.

"I know! Thank you so much for helping me move, by the way." She smiled, blinking her beautiful (E/C) eyes at me.

"Anything for my best friend!" Suddenly, (Y/N) jumped up, yelling,

"Oh! I have something to show you, I'll be right back!" She darted into her room and came out a few seconds later with her laptop in tow. She opened it, saying,

"Now that I'm moved in and ready to start my job, I thought I'd give you a taste of what I actually do for work." I was too busy smiling over her laptop screensaver-a picture of us two- that it took me a few seconds to respond.

"Oh, yeah, you never did tell me what you do for a living." She simply smiled, pulling up YouTube and typing in- 'Markiplier Animated: Super Mark Maker'. 

"You animate?" I yelled excitedly, bouncing up and down on the couch. (Y/N) nodded, and she clicked play on the video.

*Minuscule Time Skip, Your POV*

"(Y/N), that was amazing. I had no idea... What's your username?" Mark asked.

"It's (Y/T/N)." I said. Mark suddenly threw his arms around me, enveloping me in a huge hug.

"Thank you so much! I can only imagine how much work that took. That was really cool. I'm going to subscribe to you as soon as I get home." Mark let go of me, and my cheeks were suddenly boiling hot. His own face seemed to have a light pink dusting on it, but when it disappeared, I brushed it off.

"You're welcome, Mark." We talked for awhile longer about everything and nothing... The way best friends tend to do. Of course, Mark did have to go home, though. And soon after he did, my computer went off twice. The notifications were from YouTube- 'Markiplier has subscribed to your channel' was the first, and 'Markiplier commented on your video Markiplier Animated: Super Mark Maker- This is so amazing, thank you! You deserve every one of your 2,330,000 subscribers!' I smiled, replying to his comment before shutting off my computer and hopping into bed. I had a lot to think about, beginning with those deep brown eyes. It was a long while before I fell asleep.

Relapse (Markiplier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora