15: Tour

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"Morning, Mark." I said, yawning as I stumbled out of the guest room. He looked back, as he was walking toward the living room, but his face broke out into a smile when he saw me.

"Morning (Y/N)! How did you sleep last night? How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I feel a lot better, thanks for asking. I think my fever broke in the middle of the night. And I slept well, what about you?"

"I slept pretty well myself, thanks." He sounded as though he was going to say more, but he stopped talking as we got to the kitchen. He did that thing he does when he wants to talk, pushing his floof out of the way and then resting his hand on the back of his neck. As I grabbed my bowl of cereal, I smiled lightly to myself, wondering how long it would take for Mark to speak. It wasn't until I sat down that he said something.

"(Y/N), do you remember when I told you about the tour?" He asked. The very hazy memory of him talking about it floated to the forefront of my mind, and I said,

"Yeah, but that was a really long time ago that you talked about it. And at that time it wasn't finalized or anything. Why, what's up? Is it finally happening?" I asked. His eyes shone as he got excited.

"Yeah! We got all the times and places finalized this morning, and it's going to be called 'Markiplier's You're Welcome Tour' and Bob and Wade are flying down and Ethan is coming with us and... I'm so friggin' excited! It's going to be amazing." I was genuinely happy that this tour was finally happening, as it's been a thing Mark has wanted to do for a long time.

"That's incredible Mark! I'm so happy you finally get to tour around the country... This is a huge deal!" He nodded happily.

"Yeah! And I was just thinking earlier while I was on the phone with Ethan... You've never actually met any of them, have you?" He asked. I shook my head, smiling softly.

"No, I haven't. I know who Bob and Wade are, but I've never met them in person, and I've met Tyler, of course. I don't know much about Ethan, though." He nodded, replying,

"That's what I thought. So I was wondering, only if you're feeling up to it, if you wanted to come down to the office and meet them today?" He asked, sounding unsure of himself. 

"I'd love to come and meet them!" I said. Mark smiled brightly, saying,

"Cool. Well, Bob and Wade aren't here yet, but they will be when tour time comes closer. I nodded as I got up and washed out my cereal bowl, putting it in the dishwasher afterward.

"Well, I'd better get ready, then."

Time Skip, The Office

"HEY!" Mark yelled the minute we walked inside. I cringed at the sound, swatting Mark's arm. 

"A little warning, next time?" I asked. 

"Sorry." He replied. From upstairs a muffled 'HEY!' floated down the stairs. I giggled as Mark led the way up to the main room. I walked into the large, open, camera-filled room and took a sweeping glance around. It was familiar from the videos, and it's kind of hard to believe that I have never been here before.

As I was looking around, my attention was caught by a guy with blue hair walking out of an adjacent room with a box teetering on his head. Behind him was Tyler, who had a hand around the box and was keeping it from falling off of the guy's head.

"You must be Ethan." I said, at the same time he said,

"You must be (Y/N), Mark's girlfriend-not-girlfriend." I raised an eyebrow, then laughed.

"Nice to meet you, Ethan. 'Morning, Tyler." Tyler raised his free hand in salutation while the other kept the box on Ethan's head.

"Likewise. It's nice to finally have a name to the face. Mark never shuts up about you." Ethan said. I laughed, turning to Mark with a raised eyebrow.

"What can I say? Anyway, you want to tell (Y/N) about the tour, guys?" He asked, smoothly trying to change the subject. Tyler smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. So the tour is in a few weeks, and it's basically a show that we're- me, Mark, Ethan, Bob, and Wade- putting on for the audience. Kind of like a live action Markiplier video with more people." He said. Ethan jumped in to add something in, and Mark did as well, and I couldn't help but smile, even as they seemed to be conversing with one another instead of explaining it to me as they went into more detail. It's not hard to see that these guys love this kind of stuff, and I'm all for it every step of the way. I know Mark is a huge stand-up fan, and I think it'll be good for him to try out something new.

"(Y/N), do you want to go on tour with us?" Mark suddenly asked. I pulled myself out of my train of thought.

"Really?" I asked. 

"Yeah! I mean, I'd been meaning to ask you for awhile, but I never did get around to it. It'd be so much fun; the more the merrier, right?" He asked. 

"Yeah, that sounds awesome!" I said. And then I paused and actually thought about it. "But that would mean extra money and extra everything and-" Mark immediately cut me off.

"(Y/N), please. Don't pull that crap on me. You want to come, right?" I nodded. "So you're coming." I grinned happily, pulling Mark into a quick hug.

"You're the best." I said as I released him. He gave me a cocky smile in return.

"I know." I punched him lightly, and Ethan laughed.

"I ship it!" He yelled, sounding just like a fan. He threw up a peace sign, and Tyler mimicked Ethan. I dismissed them all with a smile on my face, waving it away with my hand.

"Please." I said. I looked around a bit more until I found a couch, and I ran over to it and plopped down into the soft cushions. The guys soon joined me, and just as they were sitting down, I heard the door open downstairs. A quiet,

"Hello!" Floated up from downstairs, and Mark and Ethan yelled,

"HEY!" Again. I used my leg to nudge Mark, since my hands were busy being lazy, and he just looked at me and shrugged. I looked over the stairwell banister to see a head of brown hair popping up over the floor.

"Kaaathryyyn?" I asked, drawing out her name in fear that it wasn't actually her name. Thankfully, she nodded and smiled as she walked over to us. 

"You must be (Y/N). Nice to finally meet you." She said as she took a seat next to me on the couch.

"You too! And let me just say, you're a trooper for dealing with these three on a day-to-day basis." I joked. Kathryn laughed as the boys scoffed at our teasing.

"I don't know how you do it, (Y/N)." Kathryn said, continuing the joke. "Mark is the worst one!" We burst out laughing, as did Tyler and Ethan, while Mark sat there trying to look angry but failing miserably. 

"You're going on the tour, too, right, Kathryn?" I asked. She nodded.

"I'm assuming you are too?" She asked me. I nodded as well, and she wiped imaginary sweat from her forehead.

"As long as I have another girl, I think I'll make it." She said. We all erupted into laughter again, and continued talking for later hours into the day than we should have. I guess that's the perk of meeting people you instantly click with.  I have a feeling the tour will be more fun that I can even begin to dream of.

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