12: Flannel-Phones

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Your POV

I walked out of Razer, happily swinging a green bag. I never thought that I'd find red flannel headphones in a store, even though I had begun my search for them long before I impulsively came home. I knew of Razer; it was a place that was always in the back of my mind, but their products are always extremely glossed and refined. I did not expect for them to randomly have a pair of flannel headphones. I was able to find a store around here, though, and the Razer people turned out to be really nice. They did not have a random pair in existence, but luckily, the employees told me I could customize my own pair. I thought it would make for a thoughtful- if hilarious- gift for Mark. I giggled to myself as I unlocked my car and set the bag carefully on the passenger seat. I quickly peeked into the bag to ensure that the headphones were still there. Still smiling at the mere existence of these headphones, I buckled up, started my car, and drove home.


I unlocked the door, walking into my house. It seemed quiet and loud at the same time.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home-" I cut myself off as I see Mark sauntering toward my front door from the living room, it looks like. My eyes are fixed on him as he nonchalantly walks through the hall, my brain trying to process why he's in my house before I am.

"Mark?" I ask. He jumps back at the sound of my voice, and relaxed when he sees me.

"Oh! (Y/N)! What are you doing here?" He asked. I put one hand on my hip, my other arm holding swinging gift bag.

"This is my house, Mark." I reply.

"Your house, it is your house!" Mark laughs, and I'm getting the feeling he might definitely be hiding something. I simply shake my head and watch as he struggles to get his shoes on. He seems to be in quite a hurry.

"Um, I'm just gonna... Go. For now. But I'll see you later, okay?" Mark barely gave me enough time to nod before he opened my front door and ran across the street. I watched until he had entered his own house and closed the door, still trying to figure out what is happening. I ran up to my room and put the headphones and their bag into my suitcase, so I wouldn't forget to bring it with me when I had to leave. I go back downstairs and enter the living room where my parents are excitedly discussing something. Their conversation halts when I approach them, making me even more suspicious. 

"Hi Mom, hi Dad." I said carefully, searching their faces for any clues as to what is going on. 

"Hi honey!" My mother said, smiling up at me. "How was your trip? Did you find what you were looking for?" She asked. I nodded, telling them about the trip and how I came across the headphone customizing yesterday. 

"Red flannel headphones." My father laughed. "Those will suit Mark better than anything I've ever seen." We all laughed, and continued talking and catching up over all the things I've missed. I'm realizing how much I missed being home. I love L.A., but there's nothing like getting away from the city and getting to hang out in the place I grew up. 

Now in a reminiscing mood, I excused myself from the living room and went upstairs to my bedroom. I could faintly hear my mother and father again talking about... Whatever it was they were talking about before. I entered my room and flopped down on my bed, remembering the first thing Mark had said when he walked into my room as a 5 year old. He had wrinkled his nose and promptly said,

"Too much blue." As a little girl, blue was my favorite color. It still is one of my favorites. The next week, when I was in his room, I wrinkled my nose and said, 

"Too much red." And then laughed. Mark and I had some good times when we were kids. I remember...


"I bet I can find a better hiding spot than you!" Mark taunted me. I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms, looking at him.

"No way! No you can not." I said. I stood my ground in the middle of his living room, refusing to back down. 

"Fine." Mark negotiated. "Let's play again, and may the best person win." 

"Deal." I said, nodding (In fifth grade, hide and seek was taken as seriously as an Olympic sport). Mark began to count to forty, and I ran off to the best hiding place I could find. I ran into his bedroom and immediately opened his closet door. He had a lot of long jackets hanging in there, so I did my best to look like one of them, and scrunched up in between two jackets on the floor, with my back to the closet doors. I closed the door behind me and covered my ears, because I knew if Mark came into the room, I'd gasp and he'd find me easily. 

After about five minutes, Mark still hadn't found me... Or so I thought. 

Suddenly, I feel someone grab me from behind. I scream, even though I knew exactly who it was. Mark lifted me over his head (he was exceptionally strong, now that I think about it) and ran downstairs with me in tow. I squirmed in his grasp, trying to make him put me down, until he did. He dropped me lightly onto the couch, and then sat next to me and yelled,

"PUNISHMENT!" And proceeded to tickle the life out of me. I screamed with laughter, yelling at Mark to stop it right now. He relentlessly dug into my sides, making me laugh until I cried. He eventually stopped, after I threatened to bite him, and he sat on the edge of the couch, laughing along with me.

It was around this time that I discovered what a crush was.

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