3: When The Camera's Away

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Your POV

"Truth or Dare!" Ryan yelled. We had long since finished filming the Whisper Challenge video, and after getting to know the three guys a little bit better, Mark suggested we play a game without filming or cameras or anything.

"Truth or dare sound good to everyone?" Ryan asked, even though he was looking at me. I nodded, and so did the other guys. So, we sat in a circle and just started asking questions. Mark decided to kick the game off by asking Matt a question.

"Matt, what's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone who didn't deserve it?" Mark asked, and Ryan snickered.

"Jeez, Mark. Getting into the deep questions at the beginning," Matt said slowly, clearly debating on his answer. The rest of us waited patiently until Matt said,

"Okay. So a couple of years ago- and by that I mean in senior year of high school- I liked this girl. I had liked this girl since the beginning of the school year, and we had a few classes together. And I remember hearing one day that she was dating this guy named Ryan, who, I was really good friends with. So when I asked the girl, she said she was, indeed, dating Ryan, one of my best friends. And I was so angry that I barely spoke to Ryan for that whole year. I mean, I might have said three words to him. Maybe. And the thing is, he had no idea I liked this girl. So, I'm sorry Ryan, you totally did not deserve that, and I was an awful friend, but here we are today." Ryan laughed, and said,

"Are you serious? I honestly had no idea, I was so confused that whole year. But that girl wouldn't have been good to you, anyway. So technically, I took a hit for you. You're welcome." Ryan smiled, and we all laughed. Matt then said,

"Matthias, truth or dare?"

"I'm going to go against the grind and say... truth. Nevermind, I don't want to get up just yet." He laughed.

Ryan asked, "What was the most awkward romantic encounter that you've ever had, or embarrassing romantic disaster you've had?"

"Oh," Matthias laughed, "That's easy. Before I met Amanda, I was dating this girl who shall not be named. I remember we were on a date, and she thought I had been secretly dating someone else, which I was not, but she said that's what she heard from her friends. We were at a fancy restaurant, and I remember she got up and suddenly got really mad at me for this thing that I didn't even do. So she literally picks up her glass of wine, and threw it at me." At this point, Matt cut in.

"Was it like a toss, or did she chuck it?" He asked, and Matthias pantomimed what she did.

"No, she literally chucked it at me. The whole glass. But this was the kind of restaurant where there were no booths, but just fancy tables near other fancy tables. So I ducked out of instinct, and the wine sails over my head and hits the person directly behind me. The woman stood up, extremely angry, She didn't know that my girlfriend had thrown it, so she took her own glass of wine and dumped it on my head because my girlfriend told her it was me, and I had no time to respond. So the woman apologized, and my ex girlfriend left super angry and never talked to me again, and I actually started dating the woman, whose name is Amanda and I am now married to." Matthias' story had all of us crying with laughter. Matt was rolling on the floor in tears, and I was silently laughing because I had no air left. Mark was the only one who had stopped laughing long enough to ask,

"Matthias, are you serious?"

"Yeah, that actually happened." He said, laughing. When the rest of us finally got ahold of ourselves, Matthias asked,

"Mark, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Mark said, "I'm not going to be the one to break the streak."

"Okay." Matthias thought for a second, then said, "What's something you've never said out loud, as in you'd be embarrassed if anyone heard, but think about often.?"

"Oh, that's a good one!" I said, smiling. Mark's face had reddened substantially after I said that, and he replied slowly.

"Matthias, I am not answering that question. Dare." Matthias laughed.

"Okay. I dare you to answer the question I just asked you." Mark groaned, and Matthias relented.

"Okay Mark. If you whisper it to me, I'll let you off the hook." Mark leaned over to Matt and started whispering quietly. I exchanged a look with Matt and Ryan, who acted playfully upset that they were being left out. I knew, however that Matthias would tell them eventually. When Mark had finished, he returned to his spot on the floor, looking at Matthias. Matthias smiled widely and snickered, his eyes flitting over to me for just a second. I looked at Mark, who was looking at Ryan, who was looking at me. Matt, who had been watching, suddenly burst out laughing.

"Mark, that's so obvious. Come, on dude." Marks' face turned as red as his dyed hair, and I spoke up.

"Hey, I don't understand unspoken guy code. Not fair!" I cried. I was faking being upset, but I couldn't keep the good natured smile off my face. The guys all laughed, and we simply moved on to the next question. Mark asked me,

"(Y/N), truth or dare?" I smiled brightly.

"I'm going against the crowd and saying dare!" I said. Mark thought for a second, then smiled deviously and said,

"(Y/N). I dare you to let all of us look through your phone for a full 2 minutes. We each get 30 seconds to look. And you can't see what we're looking at." I facepalmed, and the guys all laughed.

"Okay." I relented, "But one thing. You are not allowed to look through my conversations with anyone but Mark, and you cannot go through the folder in my gallery named 'Drawing'. Got it?" I asked. The guys nodded, eager to get started. I just hope that they will stay true to their word and not look in that folder. That's where all of my fanart goes, where all my animations are... And about 97% of them have to do with Mark. I unlocked my phone, started a timer, and then handed my phone to Mark, who was sitting to my right. He immediately started laughing, which got me worried, but whatever. My phone got passed around the circle until it finally ended up back in my care, safe and sound.

"I feel like my privacy had been breached." I laughed. "You guys laughed way too much for my liking." The guys laughed some more, and then I asked,

"Ryan, truth or dare?"

"Truth. Not one person in here is doing anything to me." We laughed, and I said,

"Okay, Ryan. Name one favorite feature about every person in the room, and explain why it's your favorite. No repeats." I smiled at Ryan, whose face had turned a dangerous shade of red.

"Ooooh, Ryan's embarrassed...." Matt called out, being the man-child that he is.

Ryan began. "Okay. Well, Matt, I like your hair, because it's a nice mix between blonde and brown since you dyed it. Mark, I like your voice, because it's deep and nice to listen to, I guess you could say. Matthias, I like your eyes because I think blue eyes are really cool and your eyes are super blue. (Y/N), I like your smile because it lights up your whole face and makes your eyes shine." All of that was said without stopping in between each sentence. Mark, Matt, and Ryan all sat still, astounded at what he had said.

"Well. You've obviously devoted a lot of time to think about this stuff. Those were all good answers, though. I'd have to agree with you." I said slowly. The other three guys hadn't moved yet. So I spoke up.

"Well, is anyone going to say anything?" I asked. Ryan said,

"Matt, truth or dare..."  

Relapse (Markiplier)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora