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Stiles sets me in the passenger seat of his Jeep as I give him a confused look. "What are we doing here?" I ask him. "You, are going to stay hear and heal while I keep an eye on Lydia." He explains. "What?" I ask in disbelief. "Here. I'll help you and put your hand on your thigh and put your phone down to where you can see it." He tells me putting my phone on my thigh. "How am I supposed to see my phone if-" I cut myself off as my head falls down. "Nevermind" I sigh.

"I'll text you what's happening and if you still haven't healed by 3:00, well we'll be on our way to the Jeep. Any questions. Good" He says slamming the door shut. I groan in frustration feeling absolutely useless. I stab my claws into my thighs in anger as I wait for my body to heal.


It was at least 10 minutes until 3:00 and I knew that because Stiles texted me asking if I was okay and it said 2:50. And luckily for me I had just gotten my last body part to move. I text him that I'm fine before jumping out of the Jeep. I still had time. When I hit the ground I start wobbling around because I was not used to this at all.

Once I regain myself I take off towards the school. I walk in and see Isaac and Erica walking down the halls. Isaac slides his claws across the locker. My face contorts into anger as the door shuts gaining their attention. They both smirk when they realize it's me. "Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to show up. What do you say Madison. Round two?" Erica asks. "Fine. Just want to remind you though, round one Scott and I totally kicked your asses." I tell them. "Yeah but you had Scott" Isaac points out. "And I could still easily fight you" I shrug.

They start walking towards me as a smirk comes on to my face. Erica swings at me but I catch her arm and flip her over my shoulder. Isaac lunges at me but I easily catch him and scratch him in the side. Erica tries to slice at my leg but I jump and land on her arm making her scream in pain. Once Isaac is recovered I take him and continuously slam his head onto the locker. I let go and he drops to the ground making me smile triumphantly at the chorus of groans.

"Pfft. And you thought you could beat me" I scoff flipping my hair and walking off. That felt really good actually. I enjoyed that. We can see how good Derek is at training his Betas. The bell rings as I make my way down the hall. Students start crowding the halls but I spot the familiar curly brunette hair of my girlfriend making me smile. I look around for any Argents before walking towards the group. "Well, why don't they just meet us in the library?" I hear Lydia ask. "Because houses are much better than libraries in my opinion so just trust us." I tell her. I motion for Jackson as Lydia tries to say something else.

"Okay, hold on..." "Lydia, shut up and walk." Jackson says leading her ahead of the group as the other two look at me in surprise. "No time to talk. The two blonde bitches are right behind us" I tell them walking faster. "How close?" Allison asks. "Well I did slow them down. I like to call it 'payback'" I smile making the other two grin at me.

We walk out of the school and get in his Jeep. Stiles and I up front, Allison in the back and Lydia and Jackson in the little trunk space in the back, back. "Scott still talking to Derek?" I whisper over to Stiles. "I'm not sure. He hasn't talked to me since earlier when we were talking in Coach's office" Stiles whispers back and I nod looking out the window. We soon arrive at Scott's house and all get out. "If we're studying at Scott's house, then where's Scott?" Lydia asks as we make our way up the stairs to his porch.

"Meeting us here, I think. I hope" Stiles mutters. "Plus I live here too." I shrug. "Since when?" Lydia asks confused. "For a couple weeks now" I shrug walking up to the door and pulling out my key. We walk in and Stiles shuts the door instantly locking all the locks on the door. He quickly looks out the side window as we all give him looks. Lydia gives him a 'What the hell are you doing?' look making him turn to Jackson who had the same look on his face. I cross my arms as Stiles gives me a look pleading for me to help him.

The Hunter and A Werewolf- Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now