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We walk into the boy's locker room and just like I thought it smelt awful. It smelt like body odor and sweat. Stiles closes the door as we walk toward the middle of the room. "Call your dad." Scott tells him. "And tell him what?" Stiles questions him shining the flashlight around. "I don't know anything. There's a gas leak, a fire, whatever. If that thing sees the parking lot filled with cop cars, it'll take off." Scott explains.

"What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every cop in sight, including my dad?" Stiles asks him. "They have guns" Scott says. "Yeah, and Derek and Madi had to be shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet to even slow them down, you remember that?" Stiles asks him motioning toward me. "Or getting run over by a car" I bring up and they both look at me. Scott nodded in agreement and we both look at Stiles who shook his head.

"Then we... We have to... We have to find a way out and just run for it." Scott says. "How about we do what I said earlier but instead we just use my brother's car?" I suggest. "That could work. We go outside, we get the keys off his body.." Stiles shutters just thinking about it. "...And then we take his car" He says. "And him" Scott says and I nod glaring at Stiles. "Fine. Whatever" Stiles says.

We start walking toward the locker room door but I quickly stop them as I hear a noise. "Did you guys hear that?" I question them curiously trying to listen for it again. "Yeah I did" Scott nods with wide eyes. "What did it sound like?" Stiles questions. "I'm not sure but whatever it is, it's coming" I tell the two as we all start backing away from the door. Scott quickly grabs the flashlight and turns it off. "Hide." Scott tells Stiles.

Stiles doesn't think twice as he runs toward a locker and opens it as Scott starts freaking out. He shuts the locker as Scott quickly grabs me bringing us both into a locker. It was sort of awkward though since we were both facing each other. We both try and quiet our breathing as the locker room door opens up. I start slowly ducking down as Scott looks at me with wide eyes. The lights shining though the locker on to Scott's face disappear for a second and he quickly covers his mouth as my eyes widen. The locker opens and I fall out since I was leaned against the door and hit the ground as I hear a guy scream.

Stiles jumps out of the locker scaring the guy, which was the janitor, as Stiles starts shushing him. Scott gets out as I quickly get up in a panic. "Quiet" Scott tells him. "Quiet my ass, what the hell are you trying to do, kill me? And what the hell were you two doing in the same locker?" He questions quickly making Scott and I look at each other with wide eyes. "No, no, no, no, it's not like that sir" I quickly tell him. "I have a girlfriend" "And I'm bisexual and have a crush on a girl" I tell him and Scott quickly turns to me with wide eyes. "Wait a minute. What??" Scott asks in shock and disbelief.

"Okay, I don't care. All of you get out" He says pointing toward the locker room door. "Just listen for half a second, okay?" Stiles begs him. "Not okay. Get the hell out of here right now." He rushes pushing all of us out of the locker room. "God, just one second to explain." Stiles begs again. "Just shut up and go" He tells us pointing toward the exit.

We watch with wide eyes as he gets pulled into the locker room and the door slams shut. We hear screaming and growls and the Janitor puts his bloody hands on the door window trying to get out. He gets dragged away and slammed against the door again. Scott and I both go to open the door but Stiles grabs us and starts pushing us away from the room. We all start running as I glance back but Stiles keeps me going.


We find an exit and slam against the doors but immediately get stopped. We all grunt as it doesn't work. "What the hell?" Stiles questions trying to open it again but it wouldn't budge. Scott peaks through the crack and groans. "It's a dumpster." He says. "He pushed it in front of the door. To block us in." Stiles says ramming into it again. "Come on, help me." Stiles says continuously ramming into the door.

The Hunter and A Werewolf- Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now