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I walk in the front door of our house with a huge smile on my face. I walk into the living room and throw my bookbag on the old Hale family couch that's still stable. I flop onto the couch next to it. Derek looks up from his book he was reading on the opposite couch and looks at me confused. "What are you smiling about?" He questions in his regular tone of voice.

I smile even more and turn to him. "I think I have a crush" I tell him. He quickly stands up, putting the book down on the couch. "Remember what happened last time you had a crush on someone?" He asks me sternly. "But this person is different. Trust me" I tell him. "You said that about the last person and guess what happened. They..." before he can finish I stop him. "Don't bring that up please! That was a while ago" I inform him. "Still happened" He shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Doesn't matter. I have a crush" I say bringing back my smile. "Is it a girl or boy? What's his or her name? When am I gonna meet them?" He starts questioning me. "Woah, woah, woah I just met them. I have a crush on them, okay? That doesn't mean they like me back" I tell him. "Can you at least tell me their gender?" He questions. "A girl" I smile. "Ok carry on" He says walking away. I raise my eyebrows but shake off the comment. I hear him walk out the door and sigh. Probably more Alpha business.


"Wait, no! Scott! You're not gonna believe what the animal was!" I hear a familiar voice yell as I make my way up the bleachers. I turn my wolf powers on and listen in as I take a seat. "It was a wolf" He breathes quietly to himself. My head shoots towards the boy I knew as Stiles Stilinski. He was staring after his best friend. I have a feeling he was starting to catch on to Scott. This can not be good. But you know another thing that's not good? The full moon is tonight and I am going to be stuck at Lydia Martin's party after the scrimmage. Even worse? Scott asked Allison to the party. She had skyped me when it happened and went into full detail as my heart kept sinking further and further. Apparently, Scott and I had the same taste in people, unfortunately.

The player's gathered around coach. I noticed Lydia and Allison headed towards me. Allison was looking into the distance at something. More like someone actually. Scott. My heart sank even deeper as Lydia and Allison sat next to me. Allison was right next to me and she had smiled at me. I fake smiled at her, still feeling the sting in my heart. Lydia looks at me. "Don't forget you are coming to my party early tonight" She tells me. "Yeah I know" I nod looking out onto the field as players started getting ready.

Players start tossing the ball around for a little bit trying to score a goal. Scott catches one and I see Allison smile a little. He starts running but Jackson knocks him over and people groan from how bad it looked. I on the other hand roll my eyes as Lydia smiles seeing it was Jackson. Jackson smirks down at the boy before running to get ready again. Scott gets up and he suddenly looks more determined and angry.

Scott and Jackson both get ready to face off in the center. Scott gets the ball and starts running as Jackson looks around confused. He starts dodging players easily and even flips over some. He shoots the ball and it goes right between the goalies legs. Everyone cheers and I look in shock as Allison stands up and claps for him. Is this a joke? She was falling for him. I quietly sigh in disappointment and rest my head against my hands. I need to find a way to win her over.


I knock on the front door and run my hand through my hair. I was stressed. The door opens and Stiles stands there confused and shocked. "M-Madison?" He stumbles. "Hey. Can um, Can I come in?" I ask him with a smile. "Y-yeah sure" He agrees moving out of the way. I walk in and look at all the familiar walls. It looked exactly how it did years ago. I smile and turn around to see Stiles trying to find the right words to say. "I know we haven't talked in literally years but this is important. Do you think we could talk?" I ask him.

The Hunter and A Werewolf- Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now