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Allison, Chris and I climb up the bleachers taking a seat. Allison was in the middle while I sat on her right. I noticed the two doofuses walking on the field towards the bench. Allison notices Scott and waves. She starts talking to her dad as I see Lydia Martin grab him by the jersey pulling him towards her. Stiles give him a look of awe continuing to walk toward the bench. As I see them like that I get a painful flashback of Allison's mom warning me to stay away from Allison. I wince looking at Allison and Chris who were currently beside me. Fuck me.

Lydia walks up the bleachers and takes a seat beside me with a smile. The whistle blows and players run onto the field. The game starts off and we get the ball. People start cheering as Jackson jukes one of the guys running the other way. Scott runs down the field waving his hand in the air for the ball since he was currently open. Jackson tosses it to someone else and the guy tosses it back to him. He runs down the field and gets bumped into. He drops the ball and Scott runs for it.

Jackson sees him and runs for it as well. Jackson rams Scott to the ground and grabs the ball again. He takes a shot and scores it. Scott watches in disappointment and I frown. What a jackass move. Allison and Lydia stand up cheering. "Hey what's with the frown?" Lydia asks. "Nothing" I lie. "Do you mind helping me with this sign?" She asks. I nod and all three of us hold it up. I look up and read it making my eyes go wide. I notice Scott look up and start getting angry. I just angered a werewolf who can't control his anger. I let go and wave with a sheepish smile as Stiles looks back at me with disapproval.

What do I care about these two anyway? They put my innocent brother in jail. I sit back down along with the other two. I see a huddle between all the players except for Scott. I listen in with my wolf hearing. "Only to me" Jackson tells them. "But what if he's open?" One of them asks. "Who's the captain? You or me?" Jackson asks. "Jackson, come on, dude. I just want to win." I recognize the voice of Danny say. "We will win" Jackson tries saying. "But..." Danny tries again but it wasn't working. "What did I say? What did I say?" Jackson demands. "Don't pass to McCall" Danny sighs. Jackson hits his chest and they run off angering Scott more.

I quickly stand up trying to make my way towards Stiles when I feel a soft fragile hand grab my hand. I shiver a little and look behind me to see Allison looking at me. "Where are you going?" She asks me. "I just wanted to talk to Stiles" I tell her. "Can't you talk to him afterwards? Stay with me" She pleads. How could I say no to that face? I sigh with a nod and sit back down. We starts watching again as my leg bounces anxiously over two things. One, Scott was going to shift on this field. Two, Allison hasn't let go of my hand. Was it on purpose? Did she just forget? I had no clue but I liked it.

I notice Lydia glance at me with a smirk and then at our hands before turning back to the field. I look over at Scott he was leaned over breathing heavily. The ref walks by but stops to look at him. "You okay, kid?" He questions. Scott slowly nods his head and the ref shrugs walking towards two players patiently waiting in the center of the field.

I hear growls softly coming from him making my leg bounce even more. Let's just say ever since the fire I've had a bit of an anxiety problem. So this wasn't helping. I feel Allison let go of my hand making me frown a little until she puts her hand on me knee. My leg stops bouncing and I look over at her confused to see her still looking out onto the field. I turn my attention back feeling a little less nervous then before.

"Which one is Scott again?" Chris asks Allison curiously. "Number 11. Otherwise known as the only one who hasn't caught a single ball this entire game." Lydia adds making me roll my eyes. "Well it would help if someone would pass him the ball" I say. "Maybe they don't think he's open" She shrugs. "Well then I guess the team is full of idiots" I sass putting my hand against my head. "They aren't the only idiots" She sasses back. We both narrow our eyes at each other. "It doesn't matter. I just hope he's okay" Allison tells us. "I hope we're okay." Lydia mumbles looking at the scoreboard that read 3-5.

The Hunter and A Werewolf- Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now