Not that long when I heard the secret door opened, my brother hastily came inside the room and secured that he wasn't followed or no one has seen him entering the room. I don't know how he made this room without the help of anybody but I'm also proud that my brother did all this. I knew he has a talent and skills way before he entered the process. He has potential to everything and when he came into the Noble Land, he used his capabilities and skills to work it out and create an intelligent systematic structure.

I'm still in awe that he is my brother.

"Watching porn, buddy?" he said, chuckling walking towards the bed.

My forehead creased as he mentioned that unfamiliar word to me, "what do you mean?" I asked him and pose myself sitting from lying down. "What are you talking about? And stop laughing, that's annoying."

"Whatever," he smirked. "But you would love when you watched one."

"Tss." I hissed, "whatever brother, what brings you here now? I was waiting for you earlier and where's my snack, anyway?"

"Oh, I forgot." Conrad shook his head, "but don't worry I'll bring some later when some staffs aren't going around. They are all in the hallways, I just got a chance to be here when the place is clear. So, I'm here to give you some information on what we need to do."

"What is it?" I asked, listening to his words.

"I have some information about your friends on the field," Conrad said.

I was immediately enlightened by the news he's delivering. I'm expecting it from him from the past hours because I couldn't just lay down on the bed, feeling secure and safe while my mind was traveling across to the field not knowing to the condition of my friends there. And now, it gives me some hope that finally, Conrad has some news for me.

"C'mon, brother, spill it out," I said, couldn't wait to hear it from it. I was bothered, couldn't help to think the other way but I don't want that thought to remain as it is. I just wanted to learn what's happening to them now. And all of that would make me feel okay.

"They're safe," and when he said those words, I was relieved. The moment I learned that they're safe, it makes me feel better somehow. I still know that they aren't safe in the field but that makes me feel okay that they've got away with the ambushed massacre of the High Council army. "I know just the word safe wouldn't be enough for you but they were never found their body from the building. They must've gotten away and I think they're hiding now 'cause they couldn't be seen in the camera's and they don't have their trackers so we couldn't reach them." He patted my shoulder and seated beside me, "but now tell me, are you watching 'cause you know I've installed some apps for you on that tech... so you could have your alone time."

My brow raised as I try to understand him. For a minute, I'm thinking what he's trying to say but I've got to learn what it means, I punch him on his arms and he just laughed along with it. He doesn't bother that someone would hear him because the room was soundproof.

I couldn't still believe he would do that.

"I'm a good boy, brother."

"But good boys still do naughty things. I know that, buddy."

"I don't wanna hear any further, Conrad. Please, stop." I smirked, "and I wouldn't even bother to look for that app you installed. But maybe you could tell me, is there someone here you are with? I mean in a special way?"

He smirked, "we don't have time to talk about that matter, buddy."

"I don't care, brother. I just wanna know after all these years."

He chuckles and nodded, "okay, I'll tell you and Mom will know it too once she's here..." he said, "well, yeah, to answer your curiosity, I've got a fiancée here on the Noble Land, I've met her on my first year of working in the High Council."

"What does she works for?"

"She's on the medical field, she's good though and pretty."

"Would I ever meet her, brother?" I asked him but then, his reaction gone too fast. "Why the sudden change of mood?"

He stood up from the bed, taking a deep breath, "I don't know when will that happen, buddy. Up to this day, you were never safe in the Noble Land. 'Cause once they'll find out that I'm keeping you here. Both of us are gonna end up dead."

"They will do that to you?"

He nodded, "yes, even if you're part of the High Council Organization if you commit a mistake on the counter of their policy... you'll end up dead."

And when he said those words, there's someone story reminded me of. But I shake it out of my head when I'm more interested in hearing my big brother's love life.

"But I hope soon, I'll meet her right? On the right time?"

He nodded, "I'm sure of that... and what happens when everything is now all better."

"I'm hoping for that brother."

"As I am."

"Anyway, I also have news for you," I said and he put his ears on me, he crossed his arms as he was really into knowing what I'm gonna say to him. "Earlier before you came in, I'm watching live feeds from the tech you gave to me—I wasn't even watching porn or whatever you're talking about. I'm telling you I have seen one activity made a High Council staff."

"And what is it, buddy?"

"He entered the Control Room and it's like he knows that at that moment no one would be there because he comes after the staff inside get out of it. He just connected his tech into the server and after he collected the data he needed, he just leaves the room without traces." I explained to him, "I've got his face, look at it!" I open the screen of the tech and show it to my brother.

He gets the tech and sees the screenshot of the face of that stuff. "Oh, really, shit." He hissed.

"What?" I asked him.

"He was ordered to do that, buddy." Conrad said, "do you remember the rat I'm talking about? Well, he has some people who only some knew and I'm one of it and she's gonna freak out when she knows I'm the whose handling the defectors. But thank you for that news, brother. It is also news that they're still moving." He said, patted my shoulder.

"No problem, I'm here to help the movement, brother. It's all we care for, right?"

He nodded, "yes, the purpose of the movement still remains." He said, "but for now, I gotta leave and handle those rats. I'm gonna be back once everybody's gone to bed, okay?"

"Affirmative, but don't forget to bring some snacks okay... and also I'm having alone time." I sneaked out some laughs and also he did. "Be safe, brother," I said before he leaves the room.

When the secret passageway open and he let himself out, I was alone by myself again. I fall back onto the bed and face the white ceiling.

There still have many things to know about the High Council, about this place and how they run it. I must find it out... and also, I need to get out of this place without my brother knowing it.

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