87. Soaring, Flying

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Cross my heart, hope to die, taking this one step at a time, got your back, if you got mine, oh, one foot in front of the other.


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Johanna stepped forward and swung at me. I quickly took her arm and flipped her forward. She landed on her feet and used her right foot to kick me in my stomach hard. I grunted as I stumbled back and a strong force pushed me against the ground. I struggled against it, but Johanna stood over as she held me down. Zane was once again pressed up against the temple. Hayden right next to him.

Johanna stood still glaring down at me with her hands by her sides. Her eyes weren't shifted but her power was definitely activated. She pressed Zane, Hayden, and me harder against the ground and surface. I contorted my face as Johanna blinked and her eyes returned to a pitch, dark, chilling black.

"I wouldn't count too much on your army." I heard Ali heaving above me.

"Spoke too soon, bitch." It was Nikki by his side. Johanna paused in her actions staring at them- still pressing me down against the earth.

Johanna stepped forward, her eyes narrowing, returning to their usual cold blue. Flicking her fingers, a long knife appeared in her hand, and she grasped it tightly. "And just what do you mean by that?" She asked lowly- her voice was shaking. So was her entire body. I could practically see the levels of anger rising through her.

"I paid a visit to your kobalos- you know, the young and naive elves of mischief." Ali started. They are young, and they are naive. You manipulated them into helping you, into a scheme that might've seemed pretty cool and big but would ultimately ruin the earth. Let's just say, the god of war paid them a little visit and put their tiny asses in check."

Johanna lifted her chin a little, parting her lips. "What did you do to them?" She asked

"They're not entertaining your actions anymore," Ali told her seriously.

"Neither are Kenai or Zakari," Nikki added. "You used their power and what they're capable of to help yourself not realizing that they were stronger with the people they belong with. They don't answer to you anymore."

From below, I could Johanna frown and her hand began shaking violently. She let out a loud scream and charged at the both of them. Throwing the knife directly through Nikki, it shot back into her hand, only for her to throw it at Ali. It landed in his chest and he grunted.

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