20. Meet Your Match

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I respect all my opponents, but I fear none of them. -Unknown


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Zane continued to look at her curiously, probably wondering why she was here. I was also wondering why she was here.

Johanna seemed oblivious to us at the far side of the room at our table. Others at the table didn't pay her much mind either, i'm guessing for the purpose of they don't know her.

Ace was saying something to me but I wasn't hearing him. Zane seemed he was contemplating on saying something to Johanna when he finally did.

I watched as he excused himself from the table and the talking diminished as we watched as he approached her.

Johanna jumped and seemed shocked when Zane greeted her. I felt my eyes squint slightly. I had the urge to use my advanced hearing but Zane would most likely not appreciate that I was easing into his conversation.

Soon, we were all looking at Johanna and Zane by the cashier counter as they conversed. "Is that the famous Johanna?" Ace asked with an amused smile.

I nodded stiffly. "Yeah, that's her." He turned to me and gave me a look- I nudged him.

"Wow." Hayden drawled out.

"Famous, more like infamous." Nikki lifted her chin and crossed her arms. "I have to say, I didn't expect her to look like that."

It was strange, we were all just looking at them in the distance like a bunch of weirdos.

We all just watched as Zane and Johanna conversed about who knows what. Time to time, she would push her glasses up and she was grinning. Grinning. About what? She was wearing jeans and a green T-shirt referring to Star Wars.

Seriously? Not to typecast, but she rea-

"What do you think they're talking about?" Ali asked with a grin.

"Who the hell knows." I muttered.

"Is it just me, or are they really into their conversation?" Perri asked with a chuckle.

"I've never seen Zane so...alert." Hayden shook his head, laughing quietly. Ace brung his head back and started laughing as well. Ali snickered.

Armani rolled her eyes, as she turned back to Johanna. She studied her carefully. "Must be interesting." She stated.

"My ass." Nikki began standing and Armani held her down. "Arden, let's go, we're going to-"

"Chill out." Armani told her.

"What?" Nikki asked exasperated.

"Keep your voice down before-" Ace started.

"Shit," Armani cursed before we all turned away and began acting like the normal people we weren't. As Zane and Johanna looked over at the table, we quickly went to meaningless laughter and pointless talking.

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