35. Don't Worry About It

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Don't worry, about a thing, 'cause every little thing is gonna be alright

Don't worry, about a thing, 'cause every little thing is gonna be alright

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I leaned back against the soft cushion as I played with my phone between my fingers. Perri and Hayden were playing a video game in front of me. Sitting on the floor, they kept yelling and screaming about the game.

I was rested against my bed thinking about what I saw earlier. Between the feather and the accident, I figured I should just go to bed.

I know i'm probably seeing too much into the whole feathers thing. I don't believe in coincidences, especially not in my world. But, I didn't have any leads. I didn't have not even an idea to what could be causing this paradox. I wanted to forget about it- at least for now. I had to, or else I was going to end up with a migraine.

"I swear, if you shoot at me again-" Perri yelled.

"Get out my fucking way!" I rolled my eyes at my cousins and turned my head when I heard a knock at the door.

I sighed and stood up from my bed, knowing that the two shitheads in front of me surely wasn't going to answer it. As I walked passed them, I brought my hand up in the midst of their yelling and shocked them both, a yellow-golden, rope-like bolt coming out and striking them both.

"Dude, what the hell?!" Perri rubbed his chest.

Hayden fell over and cursed at me too. "What the fuck is your problem?!"

"Little girls don't even scream as much as you two." I muttered as I opened the door. "What do you want-"

I stopped when I spotted Ali, Nikki, and Arden. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

Arden pushed passed me in the doorway and welcomed herself in. My eyes followed her, my jaw dropped a little bit. "What the-"

"That's a nice way to greet your friends, buddy." Ali patted me on the shoulder as he and Nikki also made their way by me. Left alone in the doorway, I closed the door and turned around finding Arden on my bed, staring at the sheets in thought and Nikki sat next to Perri, staring at the video game intently.

"What are you you guys doing here?" Perri asked, handing his controller to Nikki. She smiled and began playing enthusiastically.

"We were bored, so we decided to come in here." Ali explained. I sat next to him on one of the wooden chairs, my eyes trained on Arden.

Okay. "Hey, what's going on with her?" I asked quietly as we both looked at Arden.

He shrugged, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know. She's been like that since dinner."

"Are you serious right now, you suck at video games as much as you do at fighting." Hayden paused the game and turned to Nikki.

"Nikhole," He used her actual name, narrowing his eyes. "I can single handedly drag your ass across this room."

Ali picked up the glass on the table next to him and threw it simply at Hayden's head. He easily dodged it, but scowled and stood up.

I looked back at Arden who was still staring at the bed sheets. She was hugging her knees, and her chin was buried in her arms. I saw Hayden and Perri look at her curiously, the same how I was.

I decided to speak. "Um, Arden-"

She looked up and at all of us. She wore remorse on her face and I could tell she was thinking hard about something. "Guys," She began. We all looked at her silently, waiting for her to continue. "I'm really sorry...about the other day."

We remained quiet, not exactly knowing what she was talking about. "I'm sorry I didn't carry the plane." She stated weakly. "I-I should've been able to carry it- I could have at least tried. But....it was huge and I was panicking and everyone was freaking-"

"Arden." I cut her off. "It's okay." I told her earnestly. "It wasn't fair to you for us to automatically expect something like that from you."

Arden shook her head at me. "Yeah, but I should've been able to do it. I'm supposed to be growing and getting stronger- I could've carried a damn plane."

"Maybe you couldn't have." Perri piped in. "We've never seen you do something like that before."

"So it wasn't right for us to just anticipate you carrying the plane." Hayden continued. Arden blew out a breath and released her legs from her chest. She was still wearing the same dress as earlier and I concluded she didn't do much when she went back to her hotel suite.

"Don't worry about it, shorty." Ali told her. "We could never be mad at you."

"Thanks guys. I just feel a little bad. Nikki, you looked really hurt- I've been feeling awful- I thought I could've done something."

Nikki went and joined Arden on the bed. "Awe, sweetie," She hugged her, and like a couple of babies, they cuddled on my bed. "Don't feel bad. When the plane dipped, I went flying into the ceiling pretty hard and hit my back." Nikki laughed humorlessly. "It hurt like a bitch."

"Yeah, now that everything's been sorted out," Hayden lifted his finger and looked at Arden. He rested his elbows on his knees, wearing a inquisitive expression."What were you so dazed about this evening at dinner?"

I looked back to Arden and rose and eyebrow. If I'm being honest, I was curious myself. Arden bit her lip briefly before shaking her head. "It was nothing." She brushed it off easily.

"Surely it was something," I exclaimed. "It had your undivided attention."

Arden shook her head again. "Really, It was nothing. Don't even worry about it."

"Worry about what?" Perri asked.

"Yeah, what were you looking at?" Nikki was next. We all began staring her down expectantly. Arden, shifted under all of our gazes.

"I said it was nothing."

"I don't believe you, smartass." I retorted, tilting my head. Arden glared at me, her eyes slit.

"Forget about it, it's ridiculous."

"No." I countered back.






"I don't think so."

"Fine, damn it." Arden continued to glare at me. I wasn't prepared for what she said next, it took me off-guard. "I saw Johanna." 


See, I told you- it's getting weird. This chapter wasn't as detailed or exciting but, it's still good to have chapters like this.

I completely forgot to update yesterday and I don't know why.

Anyway, next chapter, the gang gets another sweet vision and it gets really wild. Soon, they'll meet someone that could possibly help them with their 'situation'.

Until next time,


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