21. Delusion or Illusion?

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All problems are illusions to the mind - Eckhart Tolle

All problems are illusions to the mind - Eckhart Tolle

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.



I felt a strange pounding in my head. It hurt like hell. I came to the conclusion that it was because I barely got any sleep last night. I was guilty of staying up and thinking about....everything. My future, my torn feelings between Arden and Johanna, my friends and our imminent.

It was all a lot. Our trip to Greece was getting closer and closer and I couldn't help but feel like the minor changes going on now would just enhance when we reach the place of our origin.

I gazed at the different symbols and carvings on the walls as I walked down the passageway under the training center. I began moving more slowly when they began to look fuzzy.

The symbols began moving and and I stopped walking, clutching the gym bag strap hung over my shoulder. Whoa. My head started to spin and I tried to concentrate on a particular object. Everything kept moving and I felt dizzy. What the hell is going on?

I moved myself against the wall as best as I could and leaned against it, steadying myself. The pounding in my head continued for a while. It hurt like hell.

After a while, I re-collected myself and I stood up staright. My head eventually stopped spinning and I cleared my throat. Maybe I was dehydrated- I could get some water in the hall.

I continued down the corridor and made a move to turn the corner but faltered when I heard voices. Two very familiar voices I knew too well. Arden...and Hayden?

Something in me immediately alerted when I heard them down the other hallway. They've been getting close lately. I really don't know how I feel about that. I furrowed my eyebrows trying to make out what they were saying. My eyes shifted as I listened in.

She was laughing- giggling almost. About what? "You're really cheesy, you know that?"

"Only for you." She laughed again. "Say yes."

"I don't want to say yes." She replied quietly, I could almost picture Arden smiling.

"Come on, Arden." Hayden's voice dropped. I felt something rise up in me as their conversation carried on. I didn't like it. Without thinking, I turned the corner slightly and gazed at them down the hall. Arden was leaned against a wall smiling, almost like she wanted to laugh. Hayden was standing in front of her wearing the same stupid smirk he always has plastered on his face.

The hell- I didn't like this.

DO you even know what this is?

I don't give a damn. He needed to take two steps back and why the hell was she staring at him like that? Did I miss something?!

Arden: The Gift Of DeliriumUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum