chpater nineteen(:

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EXTRRAAA LONG CHAPPPPTER <3 i love you guys so much. thank you for reading my story. 

Paige's POV***

"I love you." those words always made me feel all warm and fuzzy, and since id gotten pregnant with the boys, whenever their daddy said it they'd kick or move around. 

i smiled as a tear rolled down my cheek, "Liam, they're kicking. Do you wanna feel?" He nodded his head quickly as we walked to the couch in the living room. He put his hand on my stomache, but the boys did nothing. Obviously, they didnt want their little secret to get out. He looked at me with a pouting lip as i reassured him, "Say ' I love you' I garauntee they'll kick babe." 

"I love you.." came out of his mouth barely above a whisper whe- kick. nudge, kick settle. "They did it paige ! they did it, my boys. do they do tha with everyone?"

I laughed, "No sweetheart. Only with you, and me occasionally. But they sure do love their daddy's voice !" I smiled at him as he kissed my nose and then kissed my buldging stomache. He sat up and was about to say something when they phone rang. 

"I'll be right back love !" He answered the phone and walked down the hall to our bedroom. 

I looked at my big belly and whispered to them, " I don't know if you know who i am or not. But I'm your mommy. And i promise i will love you with every part of my being. I will be the first girl yo two will  love, and probably the first girl you two will hate. And if Daddy isn't around all the time, it's because he's off living his dream. He'll try to be here as much as he can though. and he'll never judge you two, i wont either. Just remember, We love you boys.

I sat on the couch for another ten minutes before Liam came out, looking rather upset, "Love, I need to tell you something.."

"What Liam? " I was nervous, i didnt know what he was going to say. 

"Management has decided, that....uhm, We're going on tour...for four months aroound Europe..." He looked like he was on the verge of tears. well, he wasnt the only god damn one.

"But,....Liam, im already almost five months. what if the boys are born when you're on tour ? You can't expect me to bring to new born baby boys home by myself can you?" I was suddenly very pissed off. Not at Lee, but at management. what right do they have to take my husband when we are expecting fucking TWINS in four god damn months.!

Liam opened his mouth and closed it a few times trying to figure out what to say, "Love, i tried. but they wont do it. They wont let me wait until after the boys are born. Im so sorry. I know i let you down. Im so so sorry." By now he was crying too. they were all leaving next week. So for the rest of the night, My hus band and i Cried on our living room floor together. Because just as our family was going to officially start, his job got in the way. 

A week later ***

I stood in the airport with my arms wrapped around Liams neck. My outfit was big and spacious so i didnt feel weird with he big bump between us as we kissed one last time before he had to go, " I love you s-so-so much. Don't you ever for-forget it Liam Payne."  i croaked as the tears flooded down my cheeks, my makeup probably everywhere.

"Paige, I'll be back before you know it. and then we will raise these little boys to be fine young men. I love you too. and i wont forget it. Now i have to go. i will call you as soon as i land." He said as he kissed me one last time, walking away with tears in his eyes. 

I looked over at eleanor and saw her crying worse than i was. I walked over to her to see if she was okay, "C'mon El, you can stay at my place. We'll eat icecream and watch movies, and you can help me shop for stuff for the twins room!" She simply nodded her head and walked to the car with me. once back at mine and Liam's flat, El went to the kitchen for the ice cream, while i got my laptop out to go on various websites for cute baby furniture, paint for the walls, ect. "OOOOOOOOOOOOH! El, I like these! what do you think?" I asked as i motioned towards the giraffe themed nursery furniture on the website we were on. 

"Paige, Thats perfect for the twins! Look, theres even a monkey crib that would go perfectly with it for the other boy ! " We both squealed in excitement as we finally got everything picked out and ordered.  After this she and i passed out watching old disney movies that we loved. Hmm, maybe this will go by faster than i thought. 

Four months later***

"EL! I CAN'T DO THIS. I'M NOT READY TO BE A MOTHER YET. I NEED LIAM. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY MOTHER FUCKING HUSBAND!" If you couldn't already tell, im in labor. and my husband, who was supposed to be home yesterday , was no where to be found. 

I looked over to see El, frantically dialing her phone. She looked like she was about to chuck the thing out of the room when someone finally answered, "LOOU! Where are you guys? Get in the car and drive to the hospital right now. I dont care what the fuck your doing, PAIGE IS HAVING THE TWINS.!" she quickly hung up the phone and walked over to where i was laying, "they'll be here soon sweety, just a little bit longer and theyll be here."

I started crying, "EL, i cant do this. im going to be a horrible mother. I dont want to let the boys or- AHHH. WHERE.THE.FUCK.IS.MY.HUSBAND. KILL MEEEE." 

A nurse came in and told me i needed to start pushing in about five minutes, I quickly refused saying i needed liam and i wouldnt do it until he was there. The nurse and i argued back and forth for a good while until they finally decided to wheel me down to delivery. Of course, i was kicking and screaming the whole way. Finally, i gave up, realizing Liam wouldnt be here for the birth of our kids. They told me i could push and right as i was going to, Liam bust through the door. "OH THANK GOD. YOURE HERE. " He grabbed my hand and i pushed, i pushed as hard as i could. And then i heard the wailing, but i couldnt stop yet, the doctor told me to keep pushing, so i did. Then my second son was born. Liam cut the umbilicle cord. and just as i was going to ask if i could hold my babies, Everything went black...

 Liam's POV***

I took our boys in my arms and held them, i looked over at paige to see of she wanted to hold them, but was instead greeted by doctors starting to run around her bed, i looked at her heart moniters to see it starting to flat line. A nurse came and told me she was taking the babies to the nursery. and with that my children were gone. I started to scream paiges name, hoping shed hear me and was quickly dragged out of the room with Lou and Eleanor. I dont want to lose the love of my life again. i cant do this with out her. I just , cant.


no,  this isnt the end of the story. calm down. this is just a plot twist i needed to add. welll, ill try to post another one tomorrow. but until then. enjoy (:

i should've kissed you (a one direction fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora